Author: April Kingsman


 April Kingsman  November 26, 2011  5 Comments on Oligotrophic

oligotrophic: Referring to water that contains few nutrients. Managing water quality is crucial for aquaculture and irrigation. Farmers can benefit from understanding oligotrophic conditions to optimize water use, enhance crop and fish health, and prevent nutrient deficiencies.

Tunnel Drying

 April Kingsman  November 24, 2011  10 Comments on Tunnel Drying

tunnel drying: A method of storage drying of hay, where the bales are stacked in the form of a tunnel over a central duct through which unheated air is blown. Utilizing tunnel drying can preserve hay quality and ensure effective drying.


 April Kingsman  November 21, 2011  2 Comments on Census

Census: A survey of a specific population to assess numbers and other features. Conducting agricultural censuses helps farmers and policymakers understand trends and make informed decisions about resource allocation and management.

Salt Poisoning

 April Kingsman  November 20, 2011  4 Comments on Salt Poisoning

salt poisoning: A disease of pigs usually caused by inadequate provision of water, but which may also be caused by increased salt in the ration. Pigs become constipated before twitching, fits and death. Farmers benefit from preventing salt poisoning by ensuring proper water provision and diet management.

Ministry Of Agriculture Fisheries And Food

 April Kingsman  November 17, 2011  4 Comments on Ministry Of Agriculture Fisheries And Food

Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food: the former UK government department with responsibility for agricultural and food matters. Understanding the role and history of the Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food can help farmers adapt to policy changes and improve marketability.


 April Kingsman  November 15, 2011  5 Comments on Chlorine

Chlorine: A greenish chemical element used to sterilize water and for bleaching. Managing chlorine use helps farmers maintain water quality and protect crops and livestock from harmful pathogens.


 April Kingsman  November 13, 2011  1 Comment on Allo-

allo-: Prefix different. Farmers use allo- as a prefix in various agricultural terms to describe different or alternative practices and technologies.


 April Kingsman  November 13, 2011  5 Comments on Ovicide

ovicide: A substance, especially an insecticide, that kills eggs. Using ovicides can effectively control pest populations by targeting eggs. Farmers can benefit from integrated pest management strategies that include ovicides to protect crops and reduce pest pressures.

Agroforestry Practices

 April Kingsman  November 13, 2011  3 Comments on Agroforestry Practices

The integration of trees and shrubs into agricultural systems to provide environmental, economic, and social benefits. For example, adopting agroforestry practices to improve soil health, increase biodiversity, and diversify farm income.


 April Kingsman  November 12, 2011  7 Comments on Gooseberry

gooseberry: A gooseberry is a soft fruit, usually green, from a small prickly bush. Growing gooseberries adds diversity to farm produce, meeting market demands for fresh and processed fruits.