Author: April Kingsman

Foliar Spray

 April Kingsman  February 19, 2011  6 Comments on Foliar Spray

Foliar Spray: A method of applying pesticides or liquid nutrients as droplets to plant leaves. Using foliar sprays helps protect crops from pests and diseases and ensures optimal nutrient uptake.

Rumen Liquor

 April Kingsman  February 18, 2011  2 Comments on Rumen Liquor

rumen liquor: A concentrated liquid found in the rumen of an animal, used to test the digestibility of feed or the nutrient balance of an animal’s diet. Using rumen liquor analysis helps farmers optimize livestock nutrition and feed efficiency.

Carrying Capacity

 April Kingsman  February 18, 2011  4 Comments on Carrying Capacity

Carrying Capacity: The maximum number of livestock that can be supported in a given area. Understanding carrying capacity helps farmers manage grazing practices and maintain healthy pasturelands.


 April Kingsman  February 17, 2011  4 Comments on Gossypium

Gossypium: Gossypium is the Latin name for cotton. Understanding cotton cultivation and processing helps farmers produce high-quality fiber, meeting textile industry standards and increasing farm income.


 April Kingsman  February 16, 2011  4 Comments on Cow

Cow: Cow noun a female bovine animal. Raising cows provides valuable milk and meat resources for markets.


 April Kingsman  February 15, 2011  6 Comments on Erysipelas

erysipelas: An infectious disease mainly affecting pigs and also turkeys. In pigs, the symptoms are reddish inflammations on the skin and a high fever. It may cause infertility or abortion and manifests itself in three forms: acute, sub-acute, and chronic. Also called Diamonds disease. Managing erysipelas is crucial for farmers to ensure the health and productivity of their livestock.

Caprine Arthritis-Encephalitis (Cae)

 April Kingsman  February 13, 2011  6 Comments on Caprine Arthritis-Encephalitis (Cae)

Caprine Arthritis-Encephalitis (CAE): A disease of goats characterized by swollen joints and pneumonia, spread by contact with saliva and milk. Preventing CAE involves regular testing, culling infected animals, and maintaining biosecurity measures.


 April Kingsman  February 12, 2011  4 Comments on Impregnate

impregnate: To fertilize a female by introducing male spermatozoa into the female’s body so that they fuse with the female’s ova. Helps farmers manage breeding programs.

Confederation Of European Maize Producers

 April Kingsman  February 9, 2011  4 Comments on Confederation Of European Maize Producers

Confederation of European Maize Producers: Confederation of European Maize Producers noun an organization representing the interests of European farmers who produce maize. Engaging with the Confederation of European Maize Producers supports advocacy and policy development for maize farmers.


 April Kingsman  February 8, 2011  4 Comments on BFSS

BFSS: Abbreviation for British Field Sports Society, now known as Countryside Alliance. Understanding the role of field sports organizations helps farmers engage in rural activities and conservation efforts.