Author: April Kingsman


 April Kingsman  December 23, 2010  12 Comments on SFA

SFA: Small Farms Association. Farmers benefit from engaging with SFA for support and resources tailored to small-scale farming operations.


 April Kingsman  December 22, 2010  6 Comments on Heft

heft: A group of mountain sheep which graze the same area in which they were born, although not kept in by fences. Managing hefted sheep helps maintain traditional grazing practices and supports sustainable land use.


 April Kingsman  December 20, 2010  6 Comments on Bilharziasis

bilharziasis: Another term for schistosomiasis. Recognizing and managing bilharziasis helps protect livestock and farm workers from parasitic infections.

Descending Aorta

 April Kingsman  December 19, 2010  2 Comments on Descending Aorta

descending aorta: The second section of the aorta as it turns downwards. Understanding animal anatomy, including the descending aorta, is important for livestock health and veterinary care. Farmers should work with veterinarians to monitor the health of their animals and address any cardiovascular issues promptly. Knowledge of animal anatomy can improve health management and disease prevention.


 April Kingsman  December 19, 2010  2 Comments on Yelt

yelt: Yelt is a young female pig. Proper care and management of yelts are essential for farmers to ensure healthy development and future production.

Tox- / Toxi-

 April Kingsman  December 18, 2010  1 Comment on Tox- / Toxi-

tox- / toxi-: Prefix indicating poison. Understanding toxic substances and their effects is crucial for safe farm management and preventing contamination.


 April Kingsman  December 18, 2010  3 Comments on Genotype

genotype: The genetic constitution of an organism. Phenotype. An individual organism. Understanding genotype helps farmers predict the traits of offspring and select the best individuals for breeding.


 April Kingsman  December 17, 2010  5 Comments on Skin

skin: the outer layer on an animal, fruit, or vegetable. Proper management of skin health in livestock and produce helps farmers maintain quality and market value, reducing losses and enhancing profitability.


 April Kingsman  December 17, 2010  3 Comments on Nucleus

nucleus: the central body in a cell, containing DNA and RNA, and controlling the function and characteristics of the cell. Understanding cell biology, including the role of the nucleus, helps farmers and researchers develop better breeding and crop improvement strategies. Knowledge of genetic principles and cellular functions can lead to advancements in plant and animal breeding, improving productivity, disease resistance, and overall farm performance. Farmers can benefit from adopting new technologies and practices based on cellular and genetic research to enhance their operations and sustainability.

Swing Plough

 April Kingsman  December 17, 2010  4 Comments on Swing Plough

swing plough: a plough used in upland areas which is designed to swing from one side to the other when the tractor changes direction at the end of a furrow. Using swing ploughs ensures efficient soil preparation and crop establishment, supporting productive agriculture.