Author: April Kingsman


 April Kingsman  October 18, 2010  5 Comments on Silk

silk: A thread produced by the larvae of a moth to make its cocoon. It is used to make a smooth light fabric. Farmers benefit from producing silk for its valuable market demand and diverse applications.


 April Kingsman  October 16, 2010  2 Comments on Gypsum

gypsum: Gypsum is a soft white or colorless mineral consisting of hydrated calcium sulfate, used in cement, plaster, and fertilizers. Using gypsum improves soil structure and supports sustainable crop production.


 April Kingsman  October 16, 2010  2 Comments on Safflower

safflower: An oilseed crop (Carthamus tinctorius) grown mainly in India. The oil is used in the manufacture of margarine, and the residual oilseed cake has a limited use as a livestock feed. Farmers benefit from safflower by diversifying crops and producing valuable oil and feed products.


 April Kingsman  October 16, 2010  7 Comments on Kg/Ha

kg/ha: Kilograms per hectare – a unit of measurement for application rates of fertilizers and other inputs. Helps farmers manage input application rates.

Mushroom Growing Containers And Beds

 April Kingsman  October 15, 2010  7 Comments on Mushroom Growing Containers And Beds

The structures and materials used to house and support mushroom growth, including trays, bags, and outdoor beds. For example, using mushroom growing containers and beds to optimize space and environmental control.

Food Product Security Awareness Campaigns

 April Kingsman  October 15, 2010  5 Comments on Food Product Security Awareness Campaigns

The efforts and initiatives to promote security best practices and awareness among employees in food production and distribution, including communication, training, and incentives. For example, launching food product security awareness campaigns to improve security culture and reduce vulnerabilities.

Food Product Returns Management

 April Kingsman  October 14, 2010  3 Comments on Food Product Returns Management

The practices and processes used to handle the return of food products, including refunds, exchanges, and restocking. For example, developing food product returns management policies to address customer concerns and maintain satisfaction.


 April Kingsman  October 13, 2010  11 Comments on Game

game: Animals that are hunted and killed for sport or food or both. Game, such as pheasants and partridges, is an important asset on some farms, and letting land for sport shooting is a source of high income.


 April Kingsman  October 13, 2010  3 Comments on Baler

baler: A machine that compresses hay, straw, or other crops into bales. Using a baler saves time and labor in managing and storing feed and bedding materials.

Doyenne Du Comice

 April Kingsman  October 13, 2010  1 Comment on Doyenne Du Comice

Doyenne du Comice: A variety of dessert pear, originating in France. The fruit are very round and mature slowly. Doyenne du Comice pears are prized for their sweet flavor and juicy texture.