Author: April Kingsman

Food Product Cybersecurity Protocols

 April Kingsman  September 3, 2010  6 Comments on Food Product Cybersecurity Protocols

The practices and measures used to protect digital information and systems from cyber threats, including data encryption, firewalls, and access controls. For example, implementing food product cybersecurity protocols to safeguard sensitive data and ensure business continuity.


 April Kingsman  September 3, 2010  2 Comments on Refrigerate

refrigerate: To cool produce and keep it at a cool temperature. Refrigeration helps farmers preserve produce quality and extend shelf life, reducing waste and increasing marketability.

High Temperature Short Time Method

 April Kingsman  August 30, 2010  2 Comments on High Temperature Short Time Method

high temperature short time method: The usual method of pasteurizing milk, where the milk is heated to 72°C for 15 seconds and then rapidly cooled. Abbr HTST. Using HTST pasteurization ensures milk safety and quality, protecting consumer health.


 April Kingsman  August 29, 2010  7 Comments on Feeding

Feeding: The action of giving animals food to eat. Proper feeding schedules and practices are crucial for maintaining animal health and productivity.


 April Kingsman  August 28, 2010  4 Comments on Cu

Cu: Cu symbol copper. Understanding copper’s role in biology and industry aids in managing soil health and crop nutrition.

Microbial Protein

 April Kingsman  August 27, 2010  4 Comments on Microbial Protein

microbial protein: a protein source in ruminants from dead rumen microbes, usually forming 70% to 100% of the ruminant’s supply of protein. Understanding the role of microbial protein can help farmers manage livestock nutrition more effectively, ensuring better growth and productivity.

Virus Yellows

 April Kingsman  August 27, 2010  6 Comments on Virus Yellows

virus yellows: A disease of sugar beet and mangolds as a result of which the leaves turn yellow and the sugar content is greatly reduced. Managing virus yellows can prevent crop losses and improve sugar yields.


 April Kingsman  August 26, 2010  3 Comments on Boxwood

boxwood: A dense, fine-grained wood from the box tree. Utilizing boxwood provides durable materials for farm tools and construction.

Raspberry Beetle

 April Kingsman  August 26, 2010  6 Comments on Raspberry Beetle

raspberry beetle: A serious pest (Byturus tomentosus) whose larvae feed on young raspberry fruit. Managing this pest is essential for farmers to protect raspberry crops and ensure high-quality yields.

Foot-And-Mouth Disease

 April Kingsman  August 25, 2010  3 Comments on Foot-And-Mouth Disease

Foot-and-Mouth Disease: A disease of livestock, especially animals with cloven hooves, characterized by fever and ulcerating cysts. Abbr FMD. Proper monitoring and control measures are essential to prevent the spread of FMD and maintain livestock health.