Author: April Kingsman


 April Kingsman  August 26, 2010  3 Comments on Boxwood

boxwood: A dense, fine-grained wood from the box tree. Utilizing boxwood provides durable materials for farm tools and construction.

Raspberry Beetle

 April Kingsman  August 26, 2010  6 Comments on Raspberry Beetle

raspberry beetle: A serious pest (Byturus tomentosus) whose larvae feed on young raspberry fruit. Managing this pest is essential for farmers to protect raspberry crops and ensure high-quality yields.

Foot-And-Mouth Disease

 April Kingsman  August 25, 2010  3 Comments on Foot-And-Mouth Disease

Foot-and-Mouth Disease: A disease of livestock, especially animals with cloven hooves, characterized by fever and ulcerating cysts. Abbr FMD. Proper monitoring and control measures are essential to prevent the spread of FMD and maintain livestock health.

Sustainable Society

 April Kingsman  August 24, 2010  2 Comments on Sustainable Society

sustainable society: a society which exists without depleting the natural resources of its habitat. Engaging in sustainable practices ensures long-term agricultural productivity and environmental health, supporting a sustainable society.

Livestock Guardian Animals

 April Kingsman  August 24, 2010  4 Comments on Livestock Guardian Animals

Animals, such as dogs and llamas, that are used to protect livestock from predators and provide security. For example, using livestock guardian animals to protect sheep and goats from predators.

Liquid Manure

 April Kingsman  August 23, 2010  7 Comments on Liquid Manure

Liquid Manure: Liquid manure is a manure consisting of dung and urine in a liquid form. Manure in semi-liquid form is slurry. Properly managing liquid manure can enhance soil fertility and support sustainable agriculture.

Estrous Synchronization

 April Kingsman  August 22, 2010  5 Comments on Estrous Synchronization

A management practice that uses hormones to control and synchronize the estrous cycles of female animals. Estrous synchronization helps facilitate timed artificial insemination. For instance, synchronizing the estrous cycles of a cowherd to enable mass breeding.


 April Kingsman  August 21, 2010  3 Comments on Fraxinus

Fraxinus: The Latin name for the ash tree. Growing Fraxinus trees supports timber production and biodiversity in agroforestry systems.

Estimated Breeding Value

 April Kingsman  August 21, 2010  4 Comments on Estimated Breeding Value

estimated breeding value: The value of an animal, calculated using an estimate of how many offspring it will have and what they will be worth. Abbr EBV. Knowing EBV helps farmers select and breed livestock for desirable traits, improving herd quality and productivity.


 April Kingsman  August 20, 2010  3 Comments on Spring

spring: a place where water comes naturally out of the ground; the season of the year following winter and before summer, when days become longer and the weather progressively warmer; a metal device which, when under tension, tries to resume its previous position. Proper management of water resources from springs supports sustainable water use and healthy crop growth.