Ectoparasite Disease
ectoparasite disease: A disease caused by lice and other insects, usually characterized by intense irritation. Farmers need to manage ectoparasite diseases to ensure the health and welfare of their livestock.
Tractor and Farm Equipment Repair
ectoparasite disease: A disease caused by lice and other insects, usually characterized by intense irritation. Farmers need to manage ectoparasite diseases to ensure the health and welfare of their livestock.
overwood: The topmost vegetation layer in a forest, same as overstorey. Managing the overwood is crucial for forest health and productivity. Farmers can benefit from understanding the ecological dynamics of overwood vegetation and applying sustainable forestry practices to maintain biodiversity and resource availability.
overgrazing: The practice of grazing a pasture so much that it loses nutrients and is no longer able to provide food for livestock. Preventing overgrazing is crucial for maintaining pasture health and productivity. Farmers can benefit from implementing rotational grazing practices to ensure sustainable forage availability and soil health.
Marchigiana: a breed of white beef cattle from Italy, now imported into the UK and used for crossbreeding to improve beef-calf quality in dairy cows. Raising Marchigiana cattle can help farmers improve the quality and yield of their beef production, contributing to better income and farm sustainability.
emission standard: The amount of an effluent or pollutant that can legally be released into the environment, e.g., the amount of sewage which can be discharged into a river or the sea, or the amount of carbon monoxide that can legally be released into the atmosphere by petrol and diesel engines. Complying with emission standards helps farmers reduce pollution and avoid legal penalties.
suboestrus: a situation where a female animal comes on heat but does not show any of the usual signs. Properly managing suboestrus ensures effective breeding programs and livestock productivity.
The process of applying pesticides to crops or livestock to control pests. Pesticide application methods include spraying, dusting, and soil incorporation. For instance, using a sprayer to apply pesticide to a fruit orchard to control fungal diseases.
Flying Flock: A flock of sheep imported onto a farm for a time, normally for less than a year, and then sold. Managing flying flocks supports flexible farming operations and market responsiveness.
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