Author: April Kingsman

Farm Service Agency

 April Kingsman  June 12, 2010  1 Comment on Farm Service Agency

Farm Service Agency: A government agency providing information and support for farmers in the United States, part of the USDA. Abbr FSA. This agency offers resources and programs to help farmers improve their operations and manage risks.


 April Kingsman  June 11, 2010  12 Comments on Dehiscence

dehiscence: The sudden bursting of a seed pod, fruit, or capsule when it is ripe, allowing the seeds or spores to scatter. Managing dehiscence involves understanding plant growth patterns and optimizing harvest timing. Farmers should monitor crops closely and use appropriate techniques to collect seeds and maximize yields. Knowledge of dehiscence can also aid in breeding programs and crop improvement efforts.


 April Kingsman  June 10, 2010  4 Comments on Flex-Fuel

Flex-Fuel: Referring to a vehicle designed to run on petrol, an alcohol-based fuel such as ethanol, or any combination of the two. Using flex-fuel vehicles supports sustainable energy use and reduces reliance on fossil fuels.


 April Kingsman  June 10, 2010  5 Comments on Raceme

raceme: An inflorescence in which flowers are borne on individual stalks on a main flower stem. Understanding plant structures like racemes aids farmers in crop management and optimizing yields.

Beef Kabobs

 April Kingsman  June 10, 2010  8 Comments on Beef Kabobs

Skewered and grilled pieces of beef, often marinated and served with vegetables. For example, producing beef kabobs for grilling and outdoor dining.

Buffer Strip

 April Kingsman  June 9, 2010  5 Comments on Buffer Strip

buffer strip: A strip of vegetation planted between fields to reduce erosion and runoff. Implementing buffer strips supports soil conservation and water quality.

Hydrochloric Acid

 April Kingsman  June 7, 2010  6 Comments on Hydrochloric Acid

hydrochloric acid: An inorganic acid which forms in the stomach and is part of the gastric juices. Properly managing hydrochloric acid levels supports livestock health and digestion.


 April Kingsman  June 7, 2010  8 Comments on Algaecide

algaecide: Same as algicide. Using algaecides helps farmers manage algae growth in water sources and prevent harm to crops and livestock.


 April Kingsman  June 7, 2010  2 Comments on Withers

withers: Withers are the ridge between the shoulder blades of an animal. Understanding animal anatomy helps farmers in proper livestock handling and health management.


 April Kingsman  June 6, 2010  4 Comments on Gamete

gamete: A sex cell. Understanding gametes is crucial for animal breeding and improving livestock genetics.