raceme: An inflorescence in which flowers are borne on individual stalks on a main flower stem. Understanding plant structures like racemes aids farmers in crop management and optimizing yields.
Tractor and Farm Equipment Repair
Skewered and grilled pieces of beef, often marinated and served with vegetables. For example, producing beef kabobs for grilling and outdoor dining.
buffer strip: A strip of vegetation planted between fields to reduce erosion and runoff. Implementing buffer strips supports soil conservation and water quality.
hydrochloric acid: An inorganic acid which forms in the stomach and is part of the gastric juices. Properly managing hydrochloric acid levels supports livestock health and digestion.
succulent foods: feedingstuffs which contain a lot of water; they are palatable and filling, and usually have a laxative effect. Most root crops, e.g., swedes and turnips, are succulents. Properly managing succulent foods ensures efficient livestock nutrition and health, supporting farm productivity.
bacterial pneumonia: Pneumonia caused by bacterial infection, notably by pneumococcus. Farmers need to recognize symptoms early and administer proper veterinary care to prevent outbreaks in their herds.
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