benazolin: A herbicide formerly used for controlling broad-leaved weeds. Understanding the history and regulation of herbicides helps farmers make informed decisions about weed management.
Tractor and Farm Equipment Repair
mineral: an inorganic solid substance with a characteristic chemical composition that occurs naturally. The names of many minerals end with the suffix -ite. The most important minerals required by the body are: calcium (found in cheese, milk and green vegetables) which helps the growth of bones and encourages blood clotting; iron (found in bread and liver) which helps produce red blood cells; phosphorus (found in bread and fish) which helps in the growth of bones and the metabolism of fats; and iodine (found in fish) which is essential to the functioning of the thyroid gland. Understanding the role of minerals in soil and livestock nutrition can help farmers prevent deficiencies and ensure better crop and animal health and productivity.
agricultural engineering: The application of the principles of science to farming. Understanding agricultural engineering helps farmers adopt technologies and practices that enhance productivity and sustainability.
endoparasite: A parasite that lives inside its host. Compare ectoparasite. Managing endoparasites is crucial for maintaining animal health and productivity on farms.
subsoiler: a heavy cultivator consisting of a strong frame with long tines attached to it. It is used to break up compacted soil to allow free passage of air and water, a process called subsoiling. Using subsoilers ensures efficient soil aeration and structure, promoting healthy crop growth and better yields.
double suckling: A method of raising beef calves where a second calf is placed with the cows own calf and allowed to suckle. This practice can improve the growth rates of calves and optimize the use of maternal resources.
plough pan: A hard layer in the soil caused by ploughing at the same depth every year. Helpful content: Recognizing and managing plough pans is important for maintaining soil health. Breaking up these compacted layers through deep tillage or no-till practices can improve water infiltration and root penetration, enhancing crop growth.
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