Author: April Kingsman


 April Kingsman  September 13, 2009  3 Comments on IPCS

IPCS: International Programme on Chemical Safety. Helps farmers understand chemical safety regulations.


 April Kingsman  September 12, 2009  6 Comments on Ox-Eye

ox-eye: Any flower with a round yellow centre, such as the ox-eye daisy. Ox-eye daisies can provide aesthetic and ecological benefits to farms. Farmers can benefit from incorporating wildflowers like ox-eye daisies into their landscapes to enhance biodiversity and support pollinators.


 April Kingsman  September 10, 2009  4 Comments on PSD

PSD: Abbreviation for Pesticides Safety Directorate. Helpful content: The Pesticides Safety Directorate provides guidelines and regulations for safe pesticide use. Farmers can protect their crops and the environment by following these recommendations and ensuring compliance.


 April Kingsman  September 10, 2009  5 Comments on Sapro-

sapro-: A prefix indicating decay or rotting. Farmers benefit from understanding sapro- related processes for effective composting and soil health management.


 April Kingsman  September 7, 2009  7 Comments on Charolais

Charolais: A breed of beef cattle originating in central France, valued for fast growth and lean meat, or a breed of sheep with a characteristic ‘red’ face. Raising Charolais cattle and sheep provides high-quality meat and wool, enhancing farm productivity and income.


 April Kingsman  September 6, 2009  4 Comments on Drought

drought: A prolonged period of abnormally low rainfall. Farmers need to manage water resources effectively to mitigate the impacts of drought.


 April Kingsman  September 4, 2009  4 Comments on Microbial

microbial: referring to microbes. Understanding the role of microbes can help farmers manage soil and livestock health more effectively, ensuring better productivity and sustainability.

Pimento Pimento Pimento

 April Kingsman  September 4, 2009  6 Comments on Pimento Pimento Pimento

pimento pimento pimento: A type of sweet pepper. Growing and processing pimentos provides valuable spice and vegetable crops that meet market demand.


 April Kingsman  September 3, 2009  5 Comments on Topknot

topknot: A tuft of hair on the top of an animal’s head, found in certain breeds of cattle and sheep. Managing breeds with specific features like topknots can support breeding programs and improve animal identification.


 April Kingsman  September 3, 2009  5 Comments on Spreader

spreader: a device used for spreading, e.g., one for spreading granules of fertiliser evenly over a lawn; an agent added to an insect spray in order to make sure that the foliage is covered uniformly. Using spreaders ensures efficient application of agricultural inputs, promoting healthy crop growth and better yields.