Author: April Kingsman


 April Kingsman  June 15, 2009  5 Comments on Mashlum

mashlum: a mixture of oats and barley (and sometimes wheat), sown to provide grain for feeding to livestock. Also called maslin, meslen, meslin. Growing mashlum can provide farmers with a valuable feed source for livestock, improving farm sustainability and reducing feed costs.


 April Kingsman  June 14, 2009  7 Comments on Chlorinated

Chlorinated: Treated with chlorine. Using chlorinated treatments helps farmers manage water quality and protect crops from pathogens.


 April Kingsman  June 14, 2009  6 Comments on Biosolids

biosolids: Treated sewage sludge used as a soil amendment. Applying biosolids improves soil fertility and reduces waste.


 April Kingsman  June 14, 2009  3 Comments on Ratoon

ratoon: The second and later crops taken from the regrowth of a crop after it has been harvested once. Ratoon cropping can increase farm productivity and reduce planting costs by utilizing existing plant root systems.

Contract Work

 April Kingsman  June 13, 2009  7 Comments on Contract Work

Contract Work: Contract work noun work carried out by specialist firms on a contract, which involves payment for work carried out, e.g. the provision of a drainage system or combining a crop. Engaging in contract work ensures access to specialized services and expertise for farm operations.

Rhizobium Bacteria

 April Kingsman  June 10, 2009  9 Comments on Rhizobium Bacteria

A group of soil bacteria that form symbiotic relationships with legumes, fixing atmospheric nitrogen into a form usable by plants. Rhizobium bacteria help improve soil fertility and support sustainable agriculture. For example, inoculating legume seeds with rhizobium bacteria to enhance nitrogen fixation and crop growth.


 April Kingsman  June 9, 2009  7 Comments on Creep

Creep: Creep noun 1. a slow movement of soil down a slope 2. a small entrance through which young animals can pass. Understanding soil creep aids in managing land stability and preventing erosion.

Beef Bladder

 April Kingsman  June 7, 2009  7 Comments on Beef Bladder

The bladder of cattle, often used in traditional dishes and for making pet food. For example, producing beef bladder for culinary and specialty markets.

Rough Terrain Vehicle

 April Kingsman  June 7, 2009  10 Comments on Rough Terrain Vehicle

rough terrain vehicle: A vehicle specially designed to travel over difficult ground. Abbreviation: RTV. Using rough terrain vehicles supports efficient farm operations in challenging environments.

Small Farms Association

 April Kingsman  June 3, 2009  6 Comments on Small Farms Association

Small Farms Association: an organisation which represents the interests of small farmers on a national scale. Abbr SFA. Joining associations like the SFA provides small farmers with advocacy, resources, and support, helping them succeed in their operations.