Author: April Kingsman

Biodiversity Action Plan

 April Kingsman  May 1, 2009  4 Comments on Biodiversity Action Plan

Biodiversity Action Plan: A detailed scheme to maintain the biodiversity of a specific area. Implementing BAPs helps farmers protect and enhance biodiversity on their land.


 April Kingsman  May 1, 2009  6 Comments on Brine

brine: A solution of salt in water. Using brine for food preservation and processing supports farm product quality and shelf life.


 April Kingsman  May 1, 2009  4 Comments on Scarify

scarify: 1. To stir the surface of the soil with an implement with tines, e.g. a wire rake, but without turning the soil over. Lawns can be scarified to remove moss and matted grass. 2. To slit the outer coat of seed in order to speed up germination. Farmers benefit from scarifying to improve soil health and enhance seed germination rates.


 April Kingsman  April 30, 2009  7 Comments on Vermin

vermin: An organism that is regarded as a pest, such as rats, often carriers of disease. Controlling vermin can prevent disease spread and protect crops and livestock on the farm.


 April Kingsman  April 29, 2009  3 Comments on Fungus

Fungus: A simple plant organism such as yeast, mushrooms, or mold with thread-like cells and without green chlorophyll. Properly managing fungal organisms supports crop and livestock health.

Blue Tongue

 April Kingsman  April 28, 2009  7 Comments on Blue Tongue

blue tongue: A viral disease of ruminants spread by biting midges. Vaccinating against blue tongue protects livestock health and prevents outbreaks.


 April Kingsman  April 26, 2009  5 Comments on Truss

truss: A bundle of hay or straw. A compact cluster or flowers or fruit such as tomatoes. Managing trusses effectively can enhance crop yield and quality.


 April Kingsman  April 26, 2009  5 Comments on Emulsifier

emulsifier: A substance added to mixtures of food such as water and oil to hold them together. Stabilizer (NOTE: Emulsifiers are used in sauces and added to meat to increase the water content so that the meat is heavier. In the European Union, emulsifiers and stabilizers have E numbers E322 to E495.) Understanding emulsifiers helps farmers in food processing and product formulation.

Milk Hygiene

 April Kingsman  April 24, 2009  8 Comments on Milk Hygiene

Practices and protocols to ensure the cleanliness and safety of milk production, including sanitation, equipment maintenance, and cow health. For example, adhering to strict hygiene standards in the milking parlor to prevent contamination and ensure high-quality milk.

Environmental Impact

 April Kingsman  April 22, 2009  4 Comments on Environmental Impact

environmental impact: The effect upon the environment of actions or events such as large construction programs or the draining of marshes. Understanding environmental impact helps farmers adopt practices that minimize harm to the natural world.