Author: April Kingsman


 April Kingsman  April 14, 2009  5 Comments on Non-Flammable

non-flammable: adjective referring to a material that is difficult to set on fire. Using non-flammable materials in farm structures and equipment enhances safety and reduces the risk of fire-related incidents. Farmers can benefit from selecting non-flammable building materials, machinery components, and protective gear to safeguard their property and livestock. Implementing fire prevention measures and using non-flammable materials contribute to a safer working environment and protect farm investments.


 April Kingsman  April 14, 2009  4 Comments on Twice-A-Day

twice-a-day: A milking system in which cows are milked two times a day. Implementing twice-a-day milking can improve dairy production and farm profitability.


 April Kingsman  April 14, 2009  4 Comments on Sussex

Sussex: a beef breed of cattle, similar to the North Devon, that is hardy and adaptable. Dark cherry red in colour, they were originally used as draught animals in preference to draught horses. Properly managing Sussex cattle ensures healthy growth and productivity, supporting farm profitability and sustainability.

Committee On Medical Aspects Of Food Policy

 April Kingsman  April 12, 2009  6 Comments on Committee On Medical Aspects Of Food Policy

Committee on Medical Aspects of Food Policy: Committee on Medical Aspects of Food Policy noun a panel which publishes reports on medical issues relating to food preparation and packaging. Abbr COMA. Engaging with COMA ensures adherence to medical guidelines for food safety and nutrition.


 April Kingsman  April 11, 2009  11 Comments on Dominance

dominance: A state where one species in a community is more abundant than others or the priority for food and reproductive mates that one animal has over another in a group. In genetics, dominance refers to the characteristic of a gene form (allele) that leads to the trait it controls being shown in any individual carrying it. Understanding dominance helps farmers manage breeding programs and animal behavior.


 April Kingsman  April 11, 2009  6 Comments on Contagious

Contagious: Contagious adjective referring to a disease which can be transmitted by touching an infected person, or objects which an infected person has touched. Compare infectious. Managing contagious diseases involves implementing biosecurity measures to prevent spread.

Humane Slaughter Association

 April Kingsman  April 9, 2009  2 Comments on Humane Slaughter Association

Humane Slaughter Association: A charity which campaigns for animal suffering to be minimized during the slaughter process. Abbr HSA. Supporting HSA initiatives ensures the humane treatment of livestock and compliance with animal welfare standards.


 April Kingsman  April 7, 2009  7 Comments on Podsolisation

podsolisation: The process by which a podsol forms. Helpful content: Understanding podsolisation helps farmers recognize soil formation processes and implement practices to improve soil health. Proper management can mitigate the negative effects of podsolisation on crop growth.


 April Kingsman  April 4, 2009  2 Comments on Carrier

Carrier: An organism that carries disease and infects other organisms. Implementing biosecurity measures helps prevent the spread of carriers and protect livestock health.

Bacteria Bed

 April Kingsman  April 3, 2009  8 Comments on Bacteria Bed

bacteria bed: A filter bed of rough stone used in the final stage of sewage treatment. Implementing a bacteria bed on the farm can help in environmentally friendly waste management and nutrient recycling.