Author: April Kingsman


 April Kingsman  March 28, 2009  6 Comments on Xeromorphic

xeromorphic: Xeromorphic refers to plants adapted to prevent water loss. Farmers can cultivate xeromorphic plants in arid regions to optimize water usage and maintain crop yields.


 April Kingsman  March 28, 2009  4 Comments on Ecoagriculture

ecoagriculture: The practice of productive agriculture using methods designed to maintain natural resources, biodiversity, and the landscape. Ecoagriculture benefits farmers by promoting sustainable practices that protect and enhance the environment.


 April Kingsman  March 28, 2009  3 Comments on WFA

WFA: Abbreviation for Whole Farm Approach. Implementing the Whole Farm Approach can streamline farm management and reduce administrative burdens.

Gangrenous Mastitis

 April Kingsman  March 27, 2009  1 Comment on Gangrenous Mastitis

gangrenous mastitis: A form of mastitis disease affecting cattle. It may begin as staphylococcal mastitis. The udder becomes blue and cold. Early detection and treatment of gangrenous mastitis can save affected cattle and prevent the spread of infection.

Sheep Tick

 April Kingsman  March 27, 2009  1 Comment on Sheep Tick

sheep tick: A small wingless dipterous insect, parasitic on sheep. Also called sheep ked. Farmers benefit from managing sheep tick infestations to protect livestock health and productivity.


 April Kingsman  March 27, 2009  4 Comments on Mp

MP: same as member of parliament. Understanding the role and influence of MPs can help farmers navigate political and regulatory changes, ensuring better compliance and advocacy.


 April Kingsman  March 26, 2009  4 Comments on WTOWTO

WTOWTO: The World Trade Organization (WTO) aims to reduce trade restrictions. Farmers benefit from fair trade practices and access to international markets promoted by the WTO.

Long Ton

 April Kingsman  March 26, 2009  4 Comments on Long Ton

Long Ton: Long ton is the same as ton. Understanding measurements like long tons can aid in precise farm planning and product management.

Berkshire Knot

 April Kingsman  March 25, 2009  4 Comments on Berkshire Knot

Berkshire Knot: A local breed of sheep crossed with Southdown to develop the Hampshire Down breed. Understanding breed development helps farmers select and manage sheep for desired traits.


 April Kingsman  March 23, 2009  4 Comments on Shelter

shelter: A structure or feature providing protection from wind, sun, rain or other weather conditions. Farmers benefit from providing shelters to protect crops and livestock from adverse weather conditions.