Author: April Kingsman


 April Kingsman  March 2, 2009  1 Comment on Roman

Roman: A breed of white goose, now quite rare. Raising Roman geese helps farmers preserve rare breeds and diversify farm produce.


 April Kingsman  March 2, 2009  5 Comments on Algicide

algicide: A substance used to kill algae. Using algicides helps farmers manage algae growth in water sources and maintain water quality for irrigation and livestock.

Lima Bean

 April Kingsman  March 2, 2009  4 Comments on Lima Bean

Lima Bean: Lima bean is the same as butter bean. Growing lima beans can provide farmers with a nutritious and marketable crop.

Dry Matter Intake

 April Kingsman  March 1, 2009  4 Comments on Dry Matter Intake

dry matter intake: The amount of feed that an animal consumes or requires, discounting its water content. Abbr DMI. Understanding dry matter intake helps farmers ensure their animals receive the necessary nutrients for growth and production.

Parsley Piert

 April Kingsman  February 27, 2009  5 Comments on Parsley Piert

parsley piert: A common weed (Aphanes arvensis) affecting winter cereals. Also called lamb’s foot. Effective weed management ensures healthy crop growth and higher yields.


 April Kingsman  February 25, 2009  2 Comments on Optimum

optimum: Referring to the point at which the condition or amount of something is the best. Understanding optimum conditions for crop and livestock production can enhance yields and quality. Farmers can benefit from precise management of environmental factors, inputs, and practices to achieve optimal results.

Electronic Identification (Eid)

 April Kingsman  February 25, 2009  7 Comments on Electronic Identification (Eid)

A method of tagging livestock using electronic devices such as RFID (radio-frequency identification) tags. EID allows for automated data collection and tracking. For instance, using EID tags to monitor cattle movements and health status.


 April Kingsman  February 24, 2009  6 Comments on Cauliflower

Cauliflower: A plant of the cabbage family with a large white head made up of a mass of curds. Growing cauliflowers provides nutritious food and valuable produce for fresh markets and processing, contributing to farm income.


 April Kingsman  February 23, 2009  5 Comments on Drift

drift: To float in the air onto areas that are not to be sprayed. Drift can lead to unintended exposure of crops or areas to pesticides or fertilizers, which can be harmful. Farmers should use techniques to minimize drift, such as proper nozzle selection and application methods.


 April Kingsman  February 20, 2009  3 Comments on Fertility

Fertility: 1. The state of being fertile. 2. The proportion of eggs which develop into young. 3. A measure of the ability of a female to conceive and produce young or of the male to fertilise the female. Managing fertility is crucial for successful breeding and high productivity.