Author: April Kingsman

Voluntary Restraint Agreement

 April Kingsman  February 8, 2009  3 Comments on Voluntary Restraint Agreement

voluntary restraint agreement: An agreement by which farmers agree not to spray in windy conditions. Such agreements are not legally binding. Abiding by voluntary restraint agreements can improve environmental protection and community relations.


 April Kingsman  February 7, 2009  2 Comments on Commercial

Commercial: Commercial adjective 1. referring to business 2. produced to be sold for profit. Focusing on commercial agriculture enhances farm profitability and market reach.


 April Kingsman  February 6, 2009  2 Comments on Chloro-

Chloro-: Prefix referring to chlorine or green. Understanding chemical prefixes helps farmers manage inputs and processes for optimal farm operations.


 April Kingsman  February 5, 2009  4 Comments on Bridle

bridle: A harness for a horse’s head, used for control and direction. Ensuring proper fit and use of bridles enhances horse welfare and performance.

Performance Testing

 April Kingsman  February 4, 2009  7 Comments on Performance Testing

The evaluation of livestock based on specific traits such as growth rate, feed efficiency, and milk production. Performance testing helps identify superior animals for breeding. For example, conducting performance tests to select high-performing bulls for artificial insemination.


 April Kingsman  February 2, 2009  4 Comments on Shank

shank: The lower part of a horse’s leg between the knee and the foot. Farmers benefit from understanding shank anatomy for effective horse management and care.


 April Kingsman  February 1, 2009  0 Comments on Enrich

enrich: 1. To make something richer or stronger, e.g., soil can be enriched by adding humus. 2. To improve the nutritional quality of food. Enrich with vitamins. 3. To improve the living conditions of farm animals, e.g., by providing them with larger living areas. Enrichment practices help farmers enhance soil health, food quality, and animal welfare.


 April Kingsman  February 1, 2009  6 Comments on Genera

genera: Plural of genus. Identifying genera is important for classification and breeding programs in agriculture.


 April Kingsman  February 1, 2009  2 Comments on Consume

Consume: Consume verb 1. to use up or burn fuel The new pump consumes only half the fuel which the other pump would use. 2. To eat foodstuffs The population consumes ten tonnes of foodstuffs per week. Managing consumption involves efficient resource use and waste reduction.

Husbandry System

 April Kingsman  February 1, 2009  0 Comments on Husbandry System

husbandry system: A written plan for looking after a group of farm animals, looking at considerations such as their habitat, diet, medical care, production rates, and general welfare. Developing a husbandry system supports effective livestock management and productivity.