Author: April Kingsman

Yield Grade Calculation

 April Kingsman  January 8, 2009  4 Comments on Yield Grade Calculation

The process of determining the amount of usable meat from a carcass, based on factors such as fat thickness, ribeye area, and carcass weight. Yield grades range from 1 (highest yield) to 5 (lowest yield). For instance, calculating yield grades to optimize meat production and processing.


 April Kingsman  January 6, 2009  6 Comments on Simmental

Simmental: A breed of cattle originating in Switzerland, the colour of which is yellowish-brown or red. It is a dual-purpose breed, with a high growth rate potential and good carcass quality. Farmers benefit from raising Simmental cattle for their efficient meat and milk production.


 April Kingsman  January 6, 2009  3 Comments on Mill

mill: a factory where a substance is crushed to make a powder, especially one for making flour from the dried grains of cereals. Proper management of mills can help farmers process their crops more effectively, ensuring better quality and marketability.


 April Kingsman  January 4, 2009  5 Comments on Lease

Lease: A lease is a written contract for letting or renting a piece of equipment for a period against payment of a fee. To lease means to let or rent land or equipment for a period. The company has a policy of only using leased equipment. To use land or equipment for a time and pay a fee. All the farm’s tractors are owned, but the combines are leased. Utilizing leasing arrangements can provide farmers with access to necessary equipment without large capital investments.

Emulsifying Agent

 April Kingsman  January 4, 2009  9 Comments on Emulsifying Agent

emulsifying agent: Same as emulsifier. Emulsifying agents help farmers in food processing and product formulation to create stable and consistent products.


 April Kingsman  January 4, 2009  4 Comments on OTMS

OTMS: Over Thirty Month Scheme. A scheme supporting farmers by providing payment and support for the disposal of cattle born or reared in the United Kingdom before August 1996. This helps farmers manage older cattle, comply with regulations, and maintain a healthy and productive herd.

Grain Drill

 April Kingsman  January 3, 2009  7 Comments on Grain Drill

grain drill: A grain drill is a machine used for sowing cereals in rows. Employing grain drills ensures uniform crop planting, leading to better yields and efficient use of farm resources.


 April Kingsman  January 2, 2009  8 Comments on Meatlinc

Meatlinc: a new breed of sheep used as a terminal sire. Only the rams are sold. Understanding the characteristics and uses of Meatlinc sheep can help farmers improve their breeding programs and meat production, leading to better yields and profitability.

Tail Docking

 April Kingsman  January 1, 2009  0 Comments on Tail Docking

The practice of removing a portion of an animal’s tail, often for hygiene or health reasons. Tail docking is controversial and subject to regulation in some areas. For instance, docking the tails of lambs to prevent flystrike.


 April Kingsman  December 31, 2008  5 Comments on Export

export: Produce or a crop which is sold to a foreign country. To send and sell crops or produce to foreign countries. Understanding export processes helps farmers access international markets and increase sales.