agroforestry: The growing of farm crops and trees together as a farming unit. Agroforestry practices benefit farmers by improving soil health, diversifying income streams, and enhancing biodiversity.
Tractor and Farm Equipment Repair
agroforestry: The growing of farm crops and trees together as a farming unit. Agroforestry practices benefit farmers by improving soil health, diversifying income streams, and enhancing biodiversity.
Advisory Committee on Releases to the Environment: An independent advisory committee giving statutory advice to UK government ministers on the risks to human health and the environment from the release and marketing of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Abbr ACRE. Understanding ACRE guidelines helps farmers make informed decisions about GMOs.
Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service: Formerly, a service of the federal Department of Agriculture which operated the departments various schemes throughout the USA. It was incorporated into the Farm Service Agency in 1993. Abbr ASCS. Farmers benefit from stabilization and conservation programs to manage resources and improve sustainability.
allergen: A substance which produces a hypersensitive reaction in someone. Allergens are usually proteins, and include foods, the hair of animals, and pollen from flowers, as well as dust. Managing allergens is important for farmers to ensure the safety and health of farm workers and consumers.
American foul brood: A disease affecting bees that is caused by a bacterial parasite of the Bacillaceae family that infests the larvae. Abbr AFB. Managing AFB is crucial for beekeepers to maintain healthy and productive hives.
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