Category: A


 April Kingsman  July 14, 2017  7 Comments on Agroforestry

agroforestry: The growing of farm crops and trees together as a farming unit. Agroforestry practices benefit farmers by improving soil health, diversifying income streams, and enhancing biodiversity.

Advisory Committee On Releases To The Environment

 April Kingsman  July 10, 2017  4 Comments on Advisory Committee On Releases To The Environment

Advisory Committee on Releases to the Environment: An independent advisory committee giving statutory advice to UK government ministers on the risks to human health and the environment from the release and marketing of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Abbr ACRE. Understanding ACRE guidelines helps farmers make informed decisions about GMOs.


 April Kingsman  June 23, 2017  5 Comments on ACAF

ACAF: Advisory Committee on Animal Feedingstuffs. This committee’s guidelines help farmers ensure the safety and quality of animal feeds, promoting healthy livestock.


 April Kingsman  April 12, 2017  8 Comments on Agro-

agro-: Prefix referring to agriculture or to the cultivation or management of land. Farmers use agro- as a prefix in various agricultural terms to describe practices and technologies related to farming.

Agricultural Stabilization And Conservation Service

 April Kingsman  March 4, 2017  6 Comments on Agricultural Stabilization And Conservation Service

Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service: Formerly, a service of the federal Department of Agriculture which operated the department’s various schemes throughout the USA. It was incorporated into the Farm Service Agency in 1993. Abbr ASCS. Farmers benefit from stabilization and conservation programs to manage resources and improve sustainability.


 April Kingsman  February 24, 2017  5 Comments on Allergen

allergen: A substance which produces a hypersensitive reaction in someone. Allergens are usually proteins, and include foods, the hair of animals, and pollen from flowers, as well as dust. Managing allergens is important for farmers to ensure the safety and health of farm workers and consumers.


 April Kingsman  February 17, 2017  6 Comments on Anabolism

anabolism: The process of building up complex chemical substances on the basis of simpler ones. Understanding anabolism helps farmers optimize livestock nutrition and growth.


 April Kingsman  February 16, 2017  3 Comments on ADHAC

ADHAC: Agricultural Dwelling House Advisory Committee. This committee provides guidance on housing for farm workers, which is important for farmers to ensure proper living conditions and compliance with regulations.


 April Kingsman  February 13, 2017  1 Comment on Acidity

acidity: The proportion of acid in a substance. Managing soil acidity is important for farmers to ensure favorable growing conditions for their crops.

American Foul Brood

 April Kingsman  December 19, 2016  7 Comments on American Foul Brood

American foul brood: A disease affecting bees that is caused by a bacterial parasite of the Bacillaceae family that infests the larvae. Abbr AFB. Managing AFB is crucial for beekeepers to maintain healthy and productive hives.