accredit: To recognize officially. Accreditation of farms and products ensures standards and quality, benefiting farmers by enhancing market access and consumer trust.
Tractor and Farm Equipment Repair
acid deposition: Same as acid rain. Acid deposition can negatively impact soil and water quality, so farmers must take measures to mitigate its effects on their crops and livestock.
all-terrain vehicle: A vehicle which can be driven over all types of land surface. Abbr ATV. Using ATVs helps farmers manage and access their land more efficiently.
azotobacter: A genus of bacteria that fix nitrogen in the soil. These bacteria enhance soil fertility, reducing the need for synthetic fertilizers and benefiting crop production.
ammonia: A gas with an unpleasant smell that is easily soluble in water. Formula: NH3. Ammonia is released into the atmosphere from animal dung. It has the effect of neutralizing acid rain, but in combination with sulfur dioxide it forms ammonium sulfate which damages the green leaves of plants. Managing ammonia emissions is important for farmers to protect crop health and comply with environmental regulations.
Advisory Committee on Animal Feedingstuffs: A committee set up by the Food Standards Agency in 1999 to advise on health and safety in animal feeds and feeding practices. Abbr ACAF. Following ACAF guidelines helps farmers ensure the safety and quality of animal feeds.
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