aleurone: A protein found in the outer skin of seeds. Understanding aleurone helps farmers manage seed quality and nutrition.
Tractor and Farm Equipment Repair
acaridicide: Same as acaricide. Effective use of acaridicides is essential for maintaining livestock health and preventing economic losses due to parasite infestations.
amino acid: A chemical compound which is a component of proteins. Proteins are first broken down into amino acids. Essential amino acids. Understanding amino acids helps farmers manage animal nutrition and health.
air pollution: The contamination of the air by substances such as gas or smoke. Also called atmospheric pollution. Understanding and managing air pollution is important for farmers to protect crop health and comply with environmental regulations.
actinobacillosis: A disease of cattle affecting the tongue and throat. It also occurs in sheep as swellings on the lips, cheeks, and jaws. Also called cruels, wooden tongue. Knowing the symptoms and treatment of actinobacillosis helps farmers maintain the health of their livestock.
actinomycosis: A disease of cattle and pigs, where the animal is infected with bacteria which form abscesses in the mouth and lungs. Also called lumpy jaw. Early diagnosis and treatment of actinomycosis are crucial for preventing severe health issues in livestock.
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