agri-: Prefix referring to agriculture or to the cultivation or management of land. Farmers use agri- as a prefix in various agricultural terms to describe practices and technologies related to farming.
Tractor and Farm Equipment Repair
almond oil: An oil from almond seed used for toilet preparations and for flavoring. Producing almond oil provides farmers with additional income streams and product diversification.
accumulated temperature: The number of hours during which the temperature is above a particular point, taken as the minimum temperature necessary for growing a specific crop. Farmers use accumulated temperature data to optimize planting and harvesting schedules for better crop yields.
actinomycete: A bacterium shaped like a rod or filament. Order: Actinomycetales. Some actinomycetes cause diseases while others are sources of antibiotics. Farmers benefit from understanding actinomycetes to manage soil health and crop diseases.
agriculturalist: A person trained in applying the principles of science to farming. Farmers benefit from the expertise of agriculturalists to enhance their practices and productivity.
allotment: A small area of land, owned by a municipality, which is let to a person called an allotment-holder for the cultivation and production of vegetables and fruit for the consumption of the holder and his or her family. Allotments provide farmers with additional land for cultivation and income.
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