Category: B

Buffer Strip

 April Kingsman  June 9, 2010  5 Comments on Buffer Strip

buffer strip: A strip of vegetation planted between fields to reduce erosion and runoff. Implementing buffer strips supports soil conservation and water quality.

Bacterial Pneumonia

 April Kingsman  June 5, 2010  8 Comments on Bacterial Pneumonia

bacterial pneumonia: Pneumonia caused by bacterial infection, notably by pneumococcus. Farmers need to recognize symptoms early and administer proper veterinary care to prevent outbreaks in their herds.


 April Kingsman  May 20, 2010  2 Comments on Bifoliate

bifoliate: Referring to a plant with two leaves only. Understanding plant morphology helps farmers identify and manage crops.


 April Kingsman  April 29, 2010  8 Comments on Bush

bush: A woody plant smaller than a tree. Managing bushes supports farm aesthetics and biodiversity.


 April Kingsman  April 26, 2010  6 Comments on Beekeeper

beekeeper: A person who keeps bees for honey. Beekeepers play a vital role in pollination services and honey production on farms.

Beaumont Period

 April Kingsman  April 6, 2010  6 Comments on Beaumont Period

Beaumont period: A period of 48 hours with temperatures above 10°C and relative humidity above 75%, likely indicating potato blight. Farmers should monitor weather conditions and apply preventive treatments during Beaumont periods.


 April Kingsman  April 2, 2010  6 Comments on Biopolymer

biopolymer: A naturally occurring polymer, such as proteins or polysaccharides. Using biopolymers in farming, such as biodegradable mulches, supports sustainable practices.

Bedding Plants

 April Kingsman  March 12, 2010  3 Comments on Bedding Plants

bedding plants: Small annual flower plants used for bedding out. Growing and selling bedding plants can diversify farm income.

Broad Beans

 April Kingsman  March 2, 2010  12 Comments on Broad Beans

broad beans: A type of large-seeded legume. Growing broad beans provides nutritious food and improves soil health through nitrogen fixation.


 April Kingsman  February 11, 2010  3 Comments on BGS

BGS: Abbreviation for British Grassland Society. Joining BGS provides access to research and best practices for grassland management.