bing: A feed passage. Ensuring clear and accessible feed passages like bings supports efficient livestock feeding.
Tractor and Farm Equipment Repair
botanical garden: A garden dedicated to the collection, cultivation, and display of a wide range of plants. Botanical gardens provide resources for farmers to learn about diverse plant species and cultivation techniques.
bean aphid: A small, oval-bodied, black or dark green fly that colonizes plants and causes wilting. Implementing integrated pest management controls bean aphids and protects crops.
bacterial pea blight: A notifiable fungal disease attacking pea plants. Early detection and management of bacterial pea blight are critical to prevent crop loss and protect farm productivity.
biological control: The control of pests using natural predators and processes. Implementing biological control methods reduces chemical use and promotes sustainable farming.
black band disease: A disease of sugarcane caused by the fungus Ceratocystis paradoxa. Early detection and treatment of black band disease prevent crop losses and maintain sugarcane health.
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