biosafety: The prevention of large-scale loss of biological integrity, focusing both on ecology and human health. Practicing biosafety ensures that farming activities do not harm the environment or public health.
Tractor and Farm Equipment Repair
Berkankamp scale: A scale used to describe growth stages in oilseed rape crops. Using growth scales like Berkankamp helps farmers optimize crop management and yield.
bioreactor: A vessel in which biological reactions are carried out, especially for waste treatment or production of biological products. Utilizing bioreactors can enhance waste management and production efficiency on farms.
broomstick: A long stick traditionally used for sweeping. Using broomsticks for farm tasks supports cleanliness and organization.
brussels sprouts: A vegetable in the cabbage family. Growing brussels sprouts provides nutritious food and valuable crops for fresh markets and processing.
break crop: A crop grown to interrupt the continuous cultivation of another crop, helping to control pests and diseases. Using break crops in rotations can improve soil health and crop productivity.
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