Cast Ewes
Cast Ewes: Old breeding ewes sold by hill farmers to lower ground farmers for one more crop of lambs. Managing cast ewes involves ensuring their health and productivity to maximize lamb production and farm income.
Tractor and Farm Equipment Repair
Cruciferae: Cruciferae /kru: s?f?ri:/ noun former name for Brassicaceae. Cultivating crucifer crops provides nutritious vegetables for markets.
Commodity Mountain: Commodity mountain noun a surplus of a certain agricultural product produced in the EU, e.g. the butter mountain. Understanding commodity mountains helps manage supply and demand in agricultural markets.
Conformation: Conformation /k?nf? mei?(?)n/ noun the general shape of an animal or bird Carcass conformation is very important when buying cattle at an auction. COMMENT: Conformation is important in the Carcass Classification System. There are five conformation classes, called EUROP: E = excellent; U = good; R = average; O = below average; P = poor. Understanding conformation helps in selecting high-quality livestock for breeding and production.
Circulation: Same as circulation of the blood. Understanding livestock physiology, including circulation, helps farmers manage animal health and diagnose conditions.
Calving Interval: The period of time between one calving and the next. Managing calving intervals is essential for optimizing reproductive efficiency and milk production in dairy herds.
Carbon Dioxide (CO2): A colorless, odorless, non-flammable atmospheric gas used in photosynthesis and given off in aerobic respiration. Managing carbon dioxide levels in greenhouses and fields supports healthy plant growth and mitigates climate change impacts.
Canterbury Lamb: A lamb reared in New Zealand, mainly for export. Raising and exporting Canterbury lamb provides a reliable income source for farmers, meeting global meat demand.
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