Category: C

Commission Of The European Union

 April Kingsman  July 29, 2022  1 Comment on Commission Of The European Union

Commission of the European Union: Commission of the European Union noun the executive body of the European Union. Engaging with the Commission of the European Union ensures compliance with agricultural policies and regulations.


 April Kingsman  July 25, 2022  2 Comments on Concentration

Concentration: Concentration noun the amount of a substance in a given volume or mass of a solution. Understanding concentration aids in formulating effective agrochemicals and fertilizers.


 April Kingsman  July 18, 2022  4 Comments on Csft

CSFT: CSFT abbreviation Central Scotland Forest Trust. Engaging with the Central Scotland Forest Trust supports forest conservation and sustainable land use practices.


 April Kingsman  June 29, 2022  6 Comments on Cultivator

Cultivator: Cultivator /k?lt?ve?t?/ noun 1. a person who cultivates land 2. an instrument or small machine for cultivating small areas of land COMMENT: A cultivator has a frame with a number of tines which break up and stir the soil as the implement is pulled across the surface. There are several types of tine, both rigid and spring-loaded. Cultivators can also be used for cleaning stubble and general weed control; the tines can be grouped together so that they pass easily between the rows of growing plants. Utilizing cultivators enhances soil management and crop production.


 April Kingsman  June 28, 2022  5 Comments on Csf

CSF: CSF abbreviation 1. Catchment Sensitive Farming 2. classical swine fever. Engaging with Catchment Sensitive Farming supports sustainable agriculture and environmental conservation. Managing classical swine fever involves implementing biosecurity measures to protect livestock health.


 April Kingsman  June 28, 2022  1 Comment on Complementarity

Complementarity: Complementarity /k?mplimen triti/ noun nature conservation based on a balance between wild and domesticated species in an area. Managing complementarity involves promoting biodiversity and sustainable land use practices.


 April Kingsman  June 26, 2022  3 Comments on Coccidioidomycosis

Coccidioidomycosis: Coccidioidomycosis /k?ksidi?i d??mai”k??sis/ noun a lung disease caused by inhaling spores of the fungus Coccidioides immitis. Managing health risks involves using protective measures to ensure the safety of farm workers.


 April Kingsman  June 9, 2022  4 Comments on Cheddar

Cheddar: A hard yellow cheese originally made in the West Country. Producing Cheddar cheese adds value to dairy operations and offers unique products for niche markets.

Controlled Grazing

 April Kingsman  May 30, 2022  9 Comments on Controlled Grazing

Controlled Grazing: Controlled grazing noun a system of grazing in which the number of livestock is linked to the pasture available, with moveable fences being erected to restrict the area being grazed. Implementing controlled grazing practices ensures sustainable pasture management and livestock health.


 April Kingsman  May 13, 2022  4 Comments on Cannula

Cannula: A tube used to puncture an animal’s rumen to allow an escape of gas. Using a cannula in veterinary care helps manage digestive issues in livestock, improving animal health and productivity.