Category: D


 April Kingsman  August 8, 2023  4 Comments on Do

do: To act or perform an action. Effective farm management involves planning, coordinating, and performing various tasks. Farmers should develop clear plans and schedules to ensure that all necessary actions are completed efficiently. Understanding the importance of proactive and organized action will aid in achieving farm goals and productivity.


 April Kingsman  June 6, 2023  2 Comments on Drake

drake: A male duck. Drakes are important for breeding programs and require proper care to ensure their health and productivity.

Dry Matter Intake

 April Kingsman  April 14, 2023  5 Comments on Dry Matter Intake

dry matter intake: The amount of feed that an animal consumes or requires, discounting its water content. Abbr DMI. Understanding dry matter intake helps farmers ensure their animals receive the necessary nutrients for growth and production.


 April Kingsman  February 10, 2023  7 Comments on Disperse

disperse: To spread something over an area. Dispersing seeds, fertilizer, or pesticides properly is important for achieving uniform application and optimal results. Farmers should use appropriate equipment and techniques for effective dispersal. Understanding the benefits and applications of dispersal will aid in effective crop and soil management.


 April Kingsman  February 7, 2023  4 Comments on Dressing

dressing: The process of treating seeds before sowing to control disease. Seed dressing helps protect seedlings from pathogens and pests, improving germination and early growth.


 April Kingsman  January 9, 2023  2 Comments on Dried

dried: Referring to foodstuffs that are preserved by dehydration. Dried foods, such as fruits and grains, have a longer shelf life and can be stored for extended periods without spoiling.

Double Suckling

 April Kingsman  January 4, 2023  6 Comments on Double Suckling

double suckling: A method of raising beef calves where a second calf is placed with the cow’s own calf and allowed to suckle. This practice can improve the growth rates of calves and optimize the use of maternal resources.


 April Kingsman  December 28, 2022  12 Comments on DCS

DCS: Abbreviation for Deer Commission for Scotland. Farmers involved in deer farming should be aware of the regulations and best practices promoted by the DCS. Following these guidelines will help ensure sustainable and ethical deer farming practices, contributing to the health and productivity of the herd.


 April Kingsman  December 21, 2022  7 Comments on Diterpenoid

diterpenoid: A type of compound derived from diterpenes, found in plants and fungi. Understanding diterpenoids is important for managing plant health and developing pest control strategies. Farmers should work with plant scientists to explore the benefits and applications of diterpenoids. Understanding the properties and functions of diterpenoids will aid in effective crop management and pest control.


 April Kingsman  December 11, 2022  4 Comments on Dose

dose: The amount of medicine given to an animal to cure it of a disorder. Accurate dosing is critical in veterinary care to ensure the health and well-being of farm animals, preventing underdosing or overdosing, which can lead to ineffective treatment or harmful side effects.