Category: D


 April Kingsman  May 16, 2008  0 Comments on DDT

DDT: An insecticide that was formerly used especially against malaria-carrying mosquitoes. It is now banned in many countries because of its toxicity and ability to accumulate in the environment. Formula: C14H9Cl5. Full form dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane. Farmers should be aware of the historical use and current ban on DDT to avoid environmental contamination and legal issues. Understanding alternative pest control methods will help manage pests effectively while complying with regulations and protecting the environment.


 April Kingsman  May 6, 2008  7 Comments on Defoliate

defoliate: To make the leaves fall off a plant, especially by using a herbicide or as the result of disease or other stress. Defoliation can be a management tool or a sign of plant stress. Farmers should monitor crops for signs of disease or environmental stress and take appropriate actions to mitigate defoliation. Using defoliants judiciously can help manage crop canopies and improve harvest efficiency. Regular scouting and timely interventions will ensure healthy crop growth and productivity.


 April Kingsman  February 27, 2008  2 Comments on Dipper

dipper: A deep trench into which sheep are guided to be dipped. Using a dipper is an effective method for managing external parasites in sheep. Farmers should ensure proper construction and maintenance of dippers for safe and effective dipping. Understanding the benefits and applications of dippers will aid in effective parasite management and improved livestock welfare.


 April Kingsman  February 22, 2008  9 Comments on Disbud

disbud: To remove buds from a plant to prevent growth, or to remove horn buds from a young animal. Proper disbudding techniques are important for managing plant growth and livestock health. Farmers should use appropriate methods and tools for effective disbudding. Understanding the benefits and applications of disbudding will aid in effective crop and livestock management.

Dutch Hoe

 April Kingsman  January 26, 2008  3 Comments on Dutch Hoe

Dutch hoe: An implement with a long handle and a more or less straight D-shaped blade, used with a push-pull action. Dutch hoes are effective for weeding and soil cultivation, helping to manage weeds and improve soil structure.


 April Kingsman  January 13, 2008  4 Comments on Determination

determination: The process of finding something out by calculation or experiment. Determination of the maximum safe dose. Accurate determination of various factors, such as nutrient levels, soil health, and pest populations, is crucial for effective farm management. Farmers should use reliable methods and tools for accurate determination and decision-making. Understanding the importance of accurate data can help optimize farm operations and improve productivity.


 April Kingsman  December 28, 2007  3 Comments on Distribution

distribution: The spreading of something over an area. Proper distribution of seeds, fertilizer, or pesticides is important for achieving uniform application and optimal results. Farmers should use appropriate equipment and techniques for effective distribution. Understanding the benefits and applications of distribution will aid in effective crop and soil management.

Double Chop Harvester

 April Kingsman  December 26, 2007  5 Comments on Double Chop Harvester

double chop harvester: A type of forage harvester that chops the crop into short lengths rather than just lacerating it. The chopping unit is a vertical rotating disc, usually with three knives and three fan blades. Precision chop forage harvesters improve the efficiency of forage processing.


 April Kingsman  December 7, 2007  3 Comments on Dehydrate

dehydrate: To remove water from something in order to preserve it. COMMENT: Food can be dehydrated by drying in the sun (as in the case of dried fruit), or by passing through various industrial processes, such as freeze-drying. Dehydration is an effective method for preserving food and reducing waste. Farmers should ensure proper techniques and equipment for dehydrating crops to maintain their quality and nutritional value. Understanding market demands for dehydrated products can help farmers plan their production and marketing strategies.


 April Kingsman  November 30, 2007  5 Comments on Discontiguous

discontiguous: Referring to an area of land which is not joined together. Managing discontiguous land involves implementing proper land use planning and management practices. Farmers should consider the unique challenges and opportunities of discontiguous land and develop strategies to optimize its use. Understanding the factors contributing to discontiguity will aid in effective land management and farm productivity.