endoparasite: A parasite that lives inside its host. Compare ectoparasite. Managing endoparasites is crucial for maintaining animal health and productivity on farms.
Tractor and Farm Equipment Repair
endoparasite: A parasite that lives inside its host. Compare ectoparasite. Managing endoparasites is crucial for maintaining animal health and productivity on farms.
enzootic disease: An outbreak of disease among certain species of animals in a certain area. Compare epizootic disease. Managing enzootic diseases helps farmers protect animal health and prevent the spread of infections.
epidemic: 1. An infectious disease that spreads quickly through a large part of the population. The health authorities are taking steps to prevent an epidemic of cholera or a cholera epidemic. 2. A rapidly spreading infection or disease. Endemic, pandemic. Understanding epidemics helps farmers implement effective biosecurity measures and prevent disease outbreaks.
epizootic disease: A disease which spreads to large numbers of animals over a large area. Compare enzootic disease. Managing epizootic diseases helps farmers protect animal health and prevent the spread of infections.
ethnobotany: The study of the way plants are used by humans. Understanding ethnobotany helps farmers explore traditional uses of plants and diversify crop production.
established: Living or growing successfully. Established crops and livestock ensure stable and productive farm operations.
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