FEP: Abbreviation for Farm Environment Plan. This plan helps farmers manage their land sustainably and protect environmental resources.
Tractor and Farm Equipment Repair
Freehold Property: Property held in freehold. Properly managing freehold property supports long-term farm stability and investment.
Free-Range Eggs: Eggs from hens that are allowed to run about in the open and eat more natural food. Properly managing free-range hens ensures high-quality egg production and animal welfare.
Field Capacity: The maximum possible amount of water remaining in the soil after excess water has drained away. Understanding field capacity helps farmers optimize irrigation practices and maintain soil health.
Feed Intake: The amount of food eaten by an animal. Monitoring feed intake helps detect health issues and optimize feeding practices.
Friends of the Earth: A pressure group formed to influence local and central governments on environmental matters. Abbr FoE. This organization advocates for sustainable farming practices and environmental protection.
Fair Trade: An international system where food companies agree to pay producers in developing countries a fair price for their products. Fair trade practices support sustainable farming, fair wages, and ethical production, benefiting small-scale farmers and promoting global equity.
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