Fallen Stock
Fallen Stock: Dead animals on a farm. Proper disposal and management of fallen stock are crucial for biosecurity and preventing the spread of diseases.
Tractor and Farm Equipment Repair
Fallen Stock: Dead animals on a farm. Proper disposal and management of fallen stock are crucial for biosecurity and preventing the spread of diseases.
Fodder Radish: A type of brassica grown primarily for use as a green fodder crop. Growing fodder radish provides nutritious feed for livestock and supports soil health.
Flat Rate Feeding: A system of feeding concentrates to dairy cows, involving few changes to the level of concentrate input from calving to turnout. Implementing flat rate feeding can simplify feed management and ensure consistent nutrition for dairy cows.
Farrowing Rails: Rails that prevent the sow from overlying the piglets. Using farrowing rails helps reduce piglet mortality.
Flocculation: The grouping of small particles of soil together to form larger ones. Flocculation is very important in making clay soils easy to work. Proper soil management practices encourage flocculation and improve soil structure.
Freehold Property: Property held in freehold. Properly managing freehold property supports long-term farm stability and investment.
Free-Range Eggs: Eggs from hens that are allowed to run about in the open and eat more natural food. Properly managing free-range hens ensures high-quality egg production and animal welfare.
Field Capacity: The maximum possible amount of water remaining in the soil after excess water has drained away. Understanding field capacity helps farmers optimize irrigation practices and maintain soil health.
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