Fagopyrum: The Latin name for buckwheat, a plant cultivated for its grain-like seeds and as a cover crop. Buckwheat is beneficial for farmers as it improves soil health, prevents erosion, and provides a nutritious food source.
Tractor and Farm Equipment Repair
Furrow Slice: The soil displaced by the mouldboard of a plough when it creates a furrow. Properly managing furrow slices supports efficient soil management and crop establishment.
Fixed Costs: Costs such as rent that do not increase with the quantity of a product produced. Managing fixed costs is crucial for farm financial planning and profitability.
Food Grain: A cereal crop used as food for humans, e.g., wheat, barley, or rye. Properly managing food grains ensures high-quality food production and marketability.
Fertility: 1. The state of being fertile. 2. The proportion of eggs which develop into young. 3. A measure of the ability of a female to conceive and produce young or of the male to fertilise the female. Managing fertility is crucial for successful breeding and high productivity.
Farm Animal Welfare Council: An agency established by the British government to review the welfare of farm animals on agricultural land, at markets, in transit, and at the place of slaughter. Abbr FAWC. This council helps ensure ethical treatment and welfare standards for farm animals.
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