Category: F


 April Kingsman  May 19, 2022  6 Comments on Fat

Fat: A white oily substance in the body of mammals, which stores energy and protects against cold. In farming, managing animal fat levels is important for meat quality and marketability.


 April Kingsman  May 14, 2022  1 Comment on Fahrenheit

Fahrenheit: Fahrenheit is a temperature scale where water freezes at 32°F and boils at 212°F. Monitoring temperature using Fahrenheit helps farmers manage environmental conditions, crucial for optimizing crop growth and livestock well-being.


 April Kingsman  May 13, 2022  1 Comment on Fertility

Fertility: 1. The state of being fertile. 2. The proportion of eggs which develop into young. 3. A measure of the ability of a female to conceive and produce young or of the male to fertilise the female. Managing fertility is crucial for successful breeding and high productivity.

Farmer-Controlled Business

 April Kingsman  March 21, 2022  3 Comments on Farmer-Controlled Business

Farmer-Controlled Business: A farm owned and controlled by the farmer who also manages the land. These businesses often adopt long-term, proactive approaches to marketing and return value to members through innovative contracts.


 April Kingsman  November 23, 2021  5 Comments on Fructose

Fructose: Fruit sugar found in honey as well as in fruit. Properly managing fructose levels supports plant health and crop quality.


 April Kingsman  October 30, 2021  8 Comments on Fungicidal

Fungicidal: Referring to a substance that kills fungi. Properly using fungicidal products ensures effective disease control and crop health.


 April Kingsman  October 12, 2021  1 Comment on Food

Food: The nutrient material eaten by animals for energy and growth. Properly managing food resources ensures the health and productivity of livestock.


 April Kingsman  September 25, 2021  3 Comments on Foggage

Foggage: 1. A winter grazing of cattle on non-ryegrass swards. 2. Grass left standing to provide winter grazing for sheep and cattle. Proper management of foggage supports efficient grazing and livestock nutrition during the winter.


 April Kingsman  September 17, 2021  9 Comments on Frond

Frond: A large compound leaf divided into many sections, such as that found on ferns and palm trees. Properly managing fronds supports plant health and biodiversity.


 April Kingsman  September 14, 2021  4 Comments on Flint

Flint: A hard stone of nearly pure silica, found in lumps in chalk soils. Properly managing flint in soils helps prevent damage to farm machinery and improve soil workability.