Fatstock: Livestock fattened for meat production. Proper feeding and management of fatstock ensure high-quality meat and profitable market returns.
Tractor and Farm Equipment Repair
Furrow Press: A special type of very heavy ring roller attached to the plough, used to press the furrow slices. Properly using furrow presses supports efficient soil management and crop establishment.
French Nettle: Same as red dead-nettle. Properly managing French nettles helps maintain crop health and biodiversity.
Fill-Belly: Feed that fills the animals stomach without providing any useful nutrients. Proper feed formulation ensures animals receive balanced nutrition and maintain optimal health.
Feather Eating: The pulling of the feathers of a bird by another bird. Addressing feather eating through proper nutrition and management practices prevents harm to poultry.
Frost Pocket: A low-lying area where cold air collects. Properly managing frost pockets helps protect crops from frost damage and ensure healthy growth.
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