Category: G


 April Kingsman  April 25, 2023  4 Comments on Granadilla

Granadilla: Granadilla is the passion fruit, a climbing plant with purple juicy fruit. Cultivating passion fruit provides diverse income sources and meets market demand for exotic fruits.


 April Kingsman  April 8, 2023  4 Comments on GH

GH: Abbreviation for growth hormone. Growth hormones can be used to enhance the growth rates of livestock, improving meat production and farm profitability.

Greenfield Site

 April Kingsman  March 30, 2023  9 Comments on Greenfield Site

greenfield site: A greenfield site is a place in the countryside not previously built on, chosen for new development. Knowing about greenfield sites helps farmers understand land use regulations and potential impacts on agricultural land.

Global Environment Facility

 April Kingsman  February 22, 2023  8 Comments on Global Environment Facility

Global Environment Facility: An organization set up in 1991 to tackle environmental problems that go beyond country boundaries. It is funded by the World Bank. Participating in Global Environment Facility programs can help farmers access resources and support for sustainable practices.


 April Kingsman  February 6, 2023  9 Comments on Garlic

garlic: A plant (Allium sativum) with a strong-smelling pungent root used as a flavoring in cooking. The bulb consists of a series of wedge-shaped cloves, surrounded by a white fibrous skin. Growing garlic can diversify farm products and provide additional income through sales of fresh garlic and value-added products.


 April Kingsman  December 30, 2022  2 Comments on Gully

gully: A gully is a deep channel formed by soil erosion, unable to be filled in by cultivation, or a small channel for water. Managing gullies prevents soil erosion and supports sustainable land use.


 April Kingsman  October 13, 2022  9 Comments on GHG

GHG: Abbreviation for greenhouse gas. Understanding greenhouse gases and their impact helps farmers adopt practices that reduce emissions, contributing to environmental sustainability.


 April Kingsman  August 27, 2022  3 Comments on Germinate

germinate: (Of a seed or spore) to start to grow. Ensuring proper conditions for germination is essential for successful crop production and achieving high yields.


 April Kingsman  August 23, 2022  3 Comments on Gid

gid: A brain disease of young sheep which also occurs in cattle. Caused by ingestion of tapeworm eggs voided by dogs and foxes. Blindness is an early symptom. Recognizing and managing gid can prevent severe losses in livestock and improve herd health.


 April Kingsman  July 31, 2022  1 Comment on Gapes

gapes: A disease affecting the breathing function of poultry, caused by small worms in the windpipe. Preventing and treating gapes can ensure the health and productivity of poultry flocks.