intensive: Achieving maximum production from land or animals. Helps farmers increase productivity.
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intrinsic factor: A protein produced in the gastric glands which reacts with vitamin B12 controls the absorption of extrinsic factor, and which, if lacking, causes pernicious anemia. Helps farmers manage livestock nutrition.
inorganic fertiliser: An artificially synthesized fertilizer. Helps farmers use inorganic fertilizers to enhance soil fertility and crop production.
indefinite inflorescence: A type of inflorescence in which the stems bearing the flowers continue to grow. Compare definite inflorescence. Helps farmers understand plant growth patterns.
International Cocoa Agreement: An agreement between countries to stabilize the price of cocoa. Abbr ICCA. Ensures fair trade practices and stable income for cocoa farmers.
Institute of Terrestrial Ecology: A former ecological research organization, now merged with the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology. Abbr ITE. Helps farmers access ecological research for better land management.
implementation: The process of carrying out a plan. Helps farmers execute agricultural strategies effectively.
intestinal diseases: Diseases and conditions which affect the intestines of animals, e.g. anthrax, dysentery, parasites, enteritis or swine fever. Helps farmers identify and manage digestive health in livestock.
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