Category: I


 April Kingsman  July 23, 2023  8 Comments on Insemination

insemination: The introduction of sperm into the vagina. Helps farmers understand and apply artificial insemination techniques.

Integrated Pollution Control

 April Kingsman  May 24, 2023  1 Comment on Integrated Pollution Control

integrated pollution control: An approach which looks at all inputs and outputs from a process that is likely to cause pollution and regulates other factors as well as emissions. Abbr IPC, IPPC. Helps farmers manage environmental impact of farming practices.


 April Kingsman  May 21, 2023  6 Comments on Infest

infest: (of pests) To be present somewhere in large numbers. Pine forests are infested with these beetles. Plants that have been infested should be dug up and burnt. Helps farmers manage pest infestations.


 April Kingsman  May 18, 2023  4 Comments on Inseminate

inseminate: To impregnate, by introducing male spermatozoa into the female’s body so that they link with the female’s ova. Helps farmers manage breeding programs.

International Crops Research Institute For The Semi-Arid Tropics

 April Kingsman  April 17, 2023  4 Comments on International Crops Research Institute For The Semi-Arid Tropics

International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics: An organization established in 1972 at Hyderabad, India. Abbr ICRISAT. Farmers benefit from research on crops suited to semi-arid conditions.


 April Kingsman  April 17, 2023  4 Comments on IPC

IPC: Integrated pollution control. Helps farmers manage environmental impact of farming practices.


 April Kingsman  April 15, 2023  6 Comments on Intramuscular

intramuscular: Referring to something which is inside the muscle, as intramuscular fat in meat. Helps farmers understand animal anatomy and meat quality. Compare intermuscular.


 April Kingsman  March 12, 2023  6 Comments on IACS

IACS: Integrated Administration and Control System – measures intended to combat fraud in aid applications and ensure fair competition in Europe, part of the CAP reforms of 1992. Helps farmers comply with regulations and secure necessary subsidies.


 April Kingsman  February 6, 2023  5 Comments on Incompatible

incompatible: Unable to cross-fertilize and produce offspring. Helps farmers understand breeding limitations and compatibility.


 April Kingsman  September 17, 2022  5 Comments on Invertebrate

invertebrate: An animal that has no backbone. Helps farmers understand the role of invertebrates in agriculture. Compare vertebrate.