insemination: The introduction of sperm into the vagina. Helps farmers understand and apply artificial insemination techniques.
Tractor and Farm Equipment Repair
insemination: The introduction of sperm into the vagina. Helps farmers understand and apply artificial insemination techniques.
integrated pollution control: An approach which looks at all inputs and outputs from a process that is likely to cause pollution and regulates other factors as well as emissions. Abbr IPC, IPPC. Helps farmers manage environmental impact of farming practices.
inseminate: To impregnate, by introducing male spermatozoa into the females body so that they link with the females ova. Helps farmers manage breeding programs.
International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics: An organization established in 1972 at Hyderabad, India. Abbr ICRISAT. Farmers benefit from research on crops suited to semi-arid conditions.
intramuscular: Referring to something which is inside the muscle, as intramuscular fat in meat. Helps farmers understand animal anatomy and meat quality. Compare intermuscular.
incompatible: Unable to cross-fertilize and produce offspring. Helps farmers understand breeding limitations and compatibility.
invertebrate: An animal that has no backbone. Helps farmers understand the role of invertebrates in agriculture. Compare vertebrate.
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