Category: I


 April Kingsman  June 30, 2019  3 Comments on Immunisation

immunisation: The production of immunity to a specific disease, either by injecting an antiserum or by giving an individual the disease in such a small dose that the body does not develop the disease, but produces antibodies to counteract it. Helps farmers protect livestock from diseases.

Interveinal Yellowing

 April Kingsman  June 23, 2019  3 Comments on Interveinal Yellowing

interveinal yellowing: A condition of plants caused by magnesium deficiency, where the surface of the leaves turns yellow and the veins stay green. Helps farmers identify and correct nutrient deficiencies in crops.


 April Kingsman  June 1, 2019  2 Comments on ICA

ICA: International Coffee Agreement – an agreement between countries to stabilize the price of coffee. Helps coffee farmers by providing market stability.

Inbreeding Depression

 April Kingsman  April 29, 2019  5 Comments on Inbreeding Depression

inbreeding depression: A reduction in variation and vigor arising in a population that is repeatedly inbred. Compare heterosis. Helps farmers recognize and avoid negative effects of inbreeding.


 April Kingsman  March 20, 2019  9 Comments on Irrigation

irrigation: The artificial supplying and application of water to land with growing crops. Helps farmers understand and implement effective irrigation systems.

Institute Of Terrestrial Ecology

 April Kingsman  March 15, 2019  1 Comment on Institute Of Terrestrial Ecology

Institute of Terrestrial Ecology: A former ecological research organization, now merged with the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology. Abbr ITE. Helps farmers access ecological research for better land management.

International Livestock Centre For Africa

 April Kingsman  March 4, 2019  2 Comments on International Livestock Centre For Africa

International Livestock Centre for Africa: An organization established in 1974 at Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Abbr ILCA. Provides research and resources for livestock farmers in Africa.


 April Kingsman  February 25, 2019  7 Comments on Internode

internode: The part of a plant stem between two adjacent nodes. Helps farmers understand plant growth and pruning techniques.


 April Kingsman  February 10, 2019  1 Comment on Infertile

infertile: 1. Referring to any organism that is not able to reproduce or produce offspring. 2. Referring to trees and plants that are not able to produce fruit or seeds. 3. Referring to soil that is not able to produce good crops. Helps farmers manage breeding and soil fertility.

International Wool Secretariat

 April Kingsman  November 26, 2018  4 Comments on International Wool Secretariat

International Wool Secretariat: A group which represents countries which export wool. Abbr IWS. Helps wool farmers with market support and research.