Category: K

Kidding Pen

 April Kingsman  November 16, 2015  6 Comments on Kidding Pen

kidding pen: Kidding pen – a pen in which a doe is kept when giving birth to kids. Helps farmers provide safe and clean birthing environments for goats.


 April Kingsman  August 20, 2015  4 Comments on Kieserite

kieserite: Kieserite – magnesium sulphate powder, used as a fertilizer where magnesium deficiency is evident, especially in light sandy soil. Helps farmers correct soil nutrient deficiencies.

Kerry Hill

 April Kingsman  June 17, 2015  3 Comments on Kerry Hill

Kerry Hill: Kerry Hill – a breed of small hill sheep originating in the Kerry hills of Powys in Wales. It has a soft white fleece and speckled face and legs. The ewes are crossed with Down rams for lamb production. Helps farmers manage sheep breeding for meat and wool production.


 April Kingsman  August 16, 2014  0 Comments on Kidding

kidding: The process of a goat giving birth. Managing kidding is important to ensure the health and survival of both the mother and the kids.


 April Kingsman  June 27, 2014  3 Comments on Kindling

kindling: Kindling – the birth of a litter, especially rabbits. Helps farmers manage breeding and birthing in small animals.

Killing Out Percentage

 April Kingsman  May 1, 2014  5 Comments on Killing Out Percentage

killing out percentage: Killing out percentage – the deadweight of an animal expressed as a percentage of its live weight. Helps farmers assess meat yield from livestock.


 April Kingsman  March 26, 2014  9 Comments on Kilojoule

kilojoule: Kilojoule – an SI unit of measurement of energy or heat equal to 1000 joules. Symbol kJ. Helps farmers understand energy use in agricultural processes.

Kitchen Garden

 April Kingsman  March 11, 2013  7 Comments on Kitchen Garden

kitchen garden: Kitchen garden – a garden with herbs and small vegetables, ready for use in the kitchen. Helps farmers grow and manage small-scale food production.


 April Kingsman  June 8, 2012  5 Comments on Kent

Kent: Kent – Romney. Helps farmers understand and manage this sheep breed.


 April Kingsman  March 9, 2012  5 Comments on Knotter

knotter: Knotter – the mechanism on a baler which ties the bales. It has three basic parts: billhook, retainer disc and the knife. Helps farmers understand and maintain baling equipment.