Category: N

North Country Cheviot

 April Kingsman  March 8, 2025  7 Comments on North Country Cheviot

North Country Cheviot: a large-sized breed of sheep with fine good-quality wool. This variety of the Cheviot is found in Caithness and Sutherland. The North Country Cheviot breed is known for its hardiness and high-quality wool, making it an excellent choice for farmers in challenging climates. Farmers can benefit from raising this breed to produce valuable wool and resilient lambs. Understanding the breed’s specific care requirements and market potential helps optimize production and enhance farm profitability.


 April Kingsman  February 12, 2025  6 Comments on NABIM

NABIM: abbreviation for National Association of British and Irish Millers. NABIM represents the interests of millers and provides valuable information on grain quality standards and market trends. Farmers can benefit from NABIM’s resources by understanding the specific quality requirements for milling grains, enabling them to grow crops that meet industry standards. This can lead to better market opportunities, higher prices for quality produce, and stronger relationships with buyers. Staying informed about industry developments through NABIM can also help farmers adapt to changing market demands and improve their competitiveness.


 April Kingsman  May 6, 2024  1 Comment on Nitrogen

nitrogen: a chemical element that is the main component of air and an essential part of protein. It is essential to biological life. Nitrogen is taken into the body by digesting protein-rich foods. Excess nitrogen is excreted in urine. When the intake of nitrogen and the excretion rate are equal, the body is in nitrogen balance or protein balance. Nitrogen is supplied to the soil by fertilizers, organic matter, nodule bacteria on legumes, and by nitrogen-fixing microorganisms in the soil. Proper nitrogen management is critical for optimizing crop growth and productivity. Farmers can benefit from understanding nitrogen’s role in plant nutrition and adopting practices that ensure efficient nitrogen use. This includes regular soil testing, using nitrogen-efficient crop varieties, and applying fertilizers at the right time and rate. Effective nitrogen management improves crop yields, reduces environmental impact, and enhances farm profitability.

National Office Of Animal Health

 April Kingsman  April 18, 2024  7 Comments on National Office Of Animal Health

National Office of Animal Health: NOAH is an organization that represents the British animal medicines industry. Abbr NOAH. The National Office of Animal Health provides farmers with information on veterinary medicines and best practices for animal health management. By staying informed through NOAH, farmers can ensure their livestock receive effective treatments, prevent disease outbreaks, and maintain high animal welfare standards. Access to reliable veterinary products and guidance helps improve livestock productivity, health, and farm profitability.

Nanny Goat

 April Kingsman  April 18, 2024  5 Comments on Nanny Goat

nanny goat: a female goat. Nanny goats are essential in goat farming for milk production and breeding purposes. They provide a reliable source of dairy products such as milk, cheese, and yogurt, which can be sold directly or processed into value-added products. Effective management of nanny goats, including proper nutrition, healthcare, and breeding practices, can enhance milk yield and quality. This contributes to increased farm income and sustainability. Additionally, goats are excellent foragers and can help manage vegetation and improve soil health through their grazing habits.


 April Kingsman  February 28, 2024  5 Comments on Nightshade

nightshade: a plant of the family Solanaceae which, if eaten by stock, are likely to cause sickness or death. Managing nightshade and other toxic plants is crucial for protecting livestock health. Farmers can benefit from regular monitoring and removal of nightshade from pastures and feed sources. Educating farm workers about the identification and risks of toxic plants ensures prompt action and reduces the risk of poisoning. Effective management practices lead to healthier livestock and safer farming environments.

Net Blotch

 April Kingsman  October 31, 2023  4 Comments on Net Blotch

net blotch: a fungal disease of barley, with dark brown blotches affecting the leaves. Managing net blotch is essential for maintaining healthy barley crops and ensuring high yields. Farmers can benefit from implementing integrated disease management practices, such as crop rotation, resistant varieties, and timely fungicide applications. Regular monitoring and early detection of net blotch can help minimize its impact, reducing crop losses and improving profitability. Effective disease management supports sustainable barley production and enhances overall farm productivity.


 April Kingsman  August 28, 2023  6 Comments on Nutrient

nutrient: a substance that an organism needs to allow it to grow, thrive, and reproduce, e.g., carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, or sulfur. Plants obtain their nutrients from the soil, while humans and other animals obtain them from their food, including plants. Proper nutrient management is essential for optimizing crop growth, health, and productivity. Farmers can benefit from understanding the specific nutrient requirements of their crops and implementing balanced fertilization practices. Regular soil testing, using organic amendments, and precision nutrient application help ensure optimal nutrient availability, enhance yields, and reduce environmental impact. Effective nutrient management supports sustainable farming practices and improves overall farm profitability.

Nurse Cow

 April Kingsman  June 2, 2023  0 Comments on Nurse Cow

nurse cow: a cow used to suckle the calves of others. Nurse cows play a vital role in raising orphaned or multiple calves, ensuring they receive adequate nutrition and care. Farmers can benefit from using nurse cows to support calf growth and development, reducing the need for artificial feeding. Proper management of nurse cows helps improve calf health, reduce labor costs, and enhance overall farm productivity. Understanding the care and management of nurse cows supports effective livestock rearing practices.

New Hampshire Red

 April Kingsman  December 4, 2022  13 Comments on New Hampshire Red

New Hampshire Red: a breed of poultry with red plumage, lighter in weight than Rhode Island Red. New Hampshire Reds are mainly kept as layers, producing brownish-tinted eggs. New Hampshire Red chickens are valued for their egg-laying abilities and adaptability to various farming conditions. Farmers can benefit from raising this breed to diversify their poultry operations, ensuring a steady supply of high-quality eggs. Understanding the breed’s characteristics and management needs helps optimize production, improve animal welfare, and enhance farm profitability.