Category: P

Plough Pan

 April Kingsman  January 4, 2023  6 Comments on Plough Pan

plough pan: A hard layer in the soil caused by ploughing at the same depth every year. Helpful content: Recognizing and managing plough pans is important for maintaining soil health. Breaking up these compacted layers through deep tillage or no-till practices can improve water infiltration and root penetration, enhancing crop growth.


 April Kingsman  January 2, 2023  9 Comments on Proventriculus

proventriculus: The gizzard of birds, or the thick-walled stomach of insects and crustaceans. Helpful content: Understanding the digestive anatomy of birds and insects helps optimize feeding strategies. Proper nutrition management can enhance digestion and nutrient absorption, supporting animal health and productivity.


 April Kingsman  December 13, 2022  4 Comments on PSE

PSE: Abbreviation for pale soft exudative muscle and porcine spongiform encephalopathy. Helpful content: Managing PSE conditions involves understanding their causes and implementing preventive measures. Farmers should ensure proper handling and nutrition to minimize stress and prevent these issues in livestock.


 April Kingsman  November 18, 2022  7 Comments on Primary

primary: 1. First, basic or most important. 2. Being first or before something else. Helpful content: Recognizing primary factors in farming, such as soil health and water availability, is crucial for successful crop and livestock management. Focusing on primary needs ensures a strong foundation for overall farm productivity.


 April Kingsman  October 27, 2022  2 Comments on Parvovirus

parvovirus: Any of a group of viruses that have a single strand of DNA, especially those causing infertility in pigs. Preventing and managing parvovirus infections is crucial for maintaining livestock health and productivity.


 April Kingsman  October 25, 2022  11 Comments on Placenta

placenta: The tissue which grows inside the uterus in mammals during pregnancy, linking the baby to the mother. Helpful content: Understanding placental health is crucial for livestock farmers to ensure the well-being of pregnant animals and their offspring. Healthy placentas lead to healthier births and stronger animals, improving overall herd quality.

P Symbol

 April Kingsman  October 18, 2022  7 Comments on P Symbol

P symbol: Poor (in the EUROP carcass classification system)


 April Kingsman  October 17, 2022  10 Comments on Panicle

panicle: A flower head (inflorescence) with many branches that carry small flowers, e.g., the flower head of a rice plant. Understanding plant structures helps in crop breeding and improving yields.

Pimple Pimple Pimple

 April Kingsman  October 4, 2022  8 Comments on Pimple Pimple Pimple

pimple pimple pimple: A small raised bump on the skin. Managing livestock health includes monitoring and managing skin health to prevent diseases.

Plant Nutrient

 April Kingsman  September 24, 2022  3 Comments on Plant Nutrient

plant nutrient: A mineral whose presence is essential for the healthy growth of plants. Helpful content: Adequate plant nutrition is critical for optimal crop growth and yield. Farmers need to ensure that essential nutrients are available in the soil to prevent deficiencies and promote healthy plant development.