Category: P


 April Kingsman  October 16, 2021  2 Comments on PSS

PSS: Abbreviation for porcine stress syndrome. Helpful content: Managing porcine stress syndrome involves selecting animals without the halothane gene and reducing stress factors. Proper handling and management practices can improve animal welfare and productivity.

Pinch Pinch Pinch

 April Kingsman  October 11, 2021  1 Comment on Pinch Pinch Pinch

pinch pinch pinch: To squeeze something tightly between two fingers or other objects. Using proper techniques in handling livestock and crops ensures efficient and safe farm operations.


 April Kingsman  October 3, 2021  9 Comments on Plain

plain: A large area of flat country with few trees, especially in the middle of North America. Helpful content: Plains are often used for extensive agriculture due to their flat terrain and fertile soil. Understanding the characteristics of plains can help farmers optimize land use and crop selection.

Primitive Breeds

 April Kingsman  August 17, 2021  7 Comments on Primitive Breeds

primitive breeds: Old breeds of livestock which have not been bred commercially, but which are the descendants of wild livestock. Helpful content: Preserving primitive breeds helps maintain genetic diversity and resilience in livestock populations. These breeds often have unique traits that can be valuable for sustainable farming and adaptation to changing environments.


 April Kingsman  August 10, 2021  7 Comments on Parasitology

parasitology: The scientific study of parasites. Research in parasitology contributes to better pest and disease management in agriculture.

Pale Persicaria

 April Kingsman  July 26, 2021  0 Comments on Pale Persicaria

pale persicaria: A weed found in spring-sown crops. Effective weed management reduces competition for nutrients, water, and light, improving crop yields.


 April Kingsman  July 23, 2021  7 Comments on Progesterone

progesterone: A female sex hormone produced by the corpus luteum of the ovary to prepare the lining of the womb for a fertilized ovum. Formula: C21H30O2. Helpful content: Understanding the role of progesterone in reproduction helps farmers manage breeding and pregnancy in livestock. Proper hormone management can enhance reproductive success and animal health.

Pipping Pipping Pipping

 April Kingsman  June 25, 2021  2 Comments on Pipping Pipping Pipping

pipping pipping pipping: The process of a bird breaking through its eggshell to hatch. Understanding the hatching process helps in managing poultry production and ensuring healthy chick development.

Pit Pit Pit

 April Kingsman  June 20, 2021  14 Comments on Pit Pit Pit

pit pit pit: A large hole in the ground. Managing pits for waste disposal and storage ensures farm cleanliness and environmental protection.


 April Kingsman  June 3, 2021  4 Comments on Paddock

paddock: A small enclosed field, usually near farm buildings. Paddocks provide controlled environments for livestock, enabling better pasture management and preventing overgrazing.