refrigerator: A device for cooling produce and keeping it cool. Using refrigerators helps farmers maintain the quality and freshness of their products.
Tractor and Farm Equipment Repair
refrigerator: A device for cooling produce and keeping it cool. Using refrigerators helps farmers maintain the quality and freshness of their products.
root crop: A plant that stores edible material in a root, corm, or tuber and is grown as food. Root crops include carrots, parsnips, swedes, and turnips. Starchy root crops include potatoes, cassavas, and yams. Growing root crops diversifies farm production and provides a stable source of nutrition.
rotational grazing: The movement of livestock around a number of fields or paddocks in an ordered sequence. Also called on-off grazing. Rotational grazing supports pasture health and productivity, improving livestock performance and reducing overgrazing.
residual herbicide: A herbicide applied to the surface of the soil which acts through the roots of existing plants and also new plants as they germinate. Using residual herbicides helps farmers control weeds effectively and protect crop yields.
rotary sprinkler: A machine used for irrigation purposes. Sprinklers can be fitted with fine spray nozzles for protection of fruit crops and potatoes against frost damage. Using rotary sprinklers supports efficient irrigation and crop protection.
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