Support Buying
support buying: same as intervention buying. Understanding and managing support buying ensures financial stability and market access for farmers, supporting farm profitability.
Tractor and Farm Equipment Repair
support buying: same as intervention buying. Understanding and managing support buying ensures financial stability and market access for farmers, supporting farm profitability.
short duration ley: A ley which is kept only for a short time. Farmers benefit from managing short duration leys for efficient pasture rotation and forage production.
stabiliser: an artificial substance added to processed food such as sauces containing water and fat to stop the mixture from changing. Also called stabilising agent. Using stabilisers in food production ensures product consistency and quality, supporting market value and consumer trust.
substandard: not up to standard quality. Properly managing substandard crops and livestock ensures high-quality production, supporting farm profitability and market value.
saline soil: Soil that contains high levels of soluble salts. Managing saline soil is important for preventing crop damage and maintaining soil health.
swine erysipelas: an infectious disease of pigs caused by bacteria. Symptoms include inflammation and skin pustules. The red marks on the skin are diamond-shaped, from which the disease gets its common name of diamonds. It occurs especially in hot muggy weather and in its acute form can be fatal. Managing swine erysipelas ensures pig health and productivity, supporting farm profitability.
shelterwood: A large area of trees left standing when others are cut, to act as shelter for seedling trees. Farmers benefit from managing shelterwood systems for sustainable forestry and natural regeneration.
seedbed wheels: A set of wheels bolted onto the front of a tractor which will give even compaction and a uniform sowing depth. Farmers benefit from using seedbed wheels for precise and efficient planting.
self-pollination: The pollination of a plant by pollen from its own flowers. Compare cross-pollination. Farmers benefit from growing self-pollinating plants for reliable and consistent fruit set.
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