Sex Organs
sex organs: Organs which are associated with reproduction and sexual intercourse. Farmers benefit from understanding sex organs for effective breeding and livestock management.
Tractor and Farm Equipment Repair
sex organs: Organs which are associated with reproduction and sexual intercourse. Farmers benefit from understanding sex organs for effective breeding and livestock management.
strippings: the last drops of milk from a cows teats at the end of milking session. Properly managing strippings ensures milk hygiene and quality, supporting dairy productivity and consumer health.
sieve: A garden implement with a base made of mesh or with perforations through which fine particles can pass while coarse material is retained. Compare riddle. To pass soil, etc. through a sieve to produce a fine tilth, or to remove the soil from root crops such as potatoes. Farmers benefit from using sieves for soil preparation and crop cleaning.
South Devon: the heaviest breed of British cattle, with a light brownish-red colour. It was originally a dual-purpose breed, but now is mainly raised for beef. Raising South Devon cattle provides farmers with a robust breed for beef production, supporting farm profitability.
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