Category: S

Soft Wheat

 April Kingsman  December 20, 2023  7 Comments on Soft Wheat

soft wheat: wheat containing grains which, when milled, break down in a random manner. Soft wheats have less protein than hard wheats and have poor milling qualities. Growing soft wheat provides farmers with a crop suitable for specific market demands, such as pastry and cake flours.

Systemic (Of A Pesticide)

 April Kingsman  December 6, 2023  5 Comments on Systemic (Of A Pesticide)

systemic (of a pesticide): referring to a substance absorbed into the plant through the root or leaf and moved around within the plant. Properly managing systemic pesticides ensures effective pest control and healthy crop growth, enhancing farm productivity.


 April Kingsman  December 5, 2023  9 Comments on Stripper-Header

stripper-header: a machine which harvests a crop such as linseed and strips off the seedheads. Using stripper-headers ensures efficient crop harvesting, reducing labor costs and enhancing productivity.


 April Kingsman  December 4, 2023  2 Comments on Salination

salination: A process by which the salt concentration of soil or water increases, especially as a result of irrigation in hot climates. Also called salinisation. Farmers benefit from understanding and managing salination to prevent soil degradation and maintain crop productivity.

Stud Fees

 April Kingsman  November 29, 2023  4 Comments on Stud Fees

stud fees: money paid to the owner of a stud animal for servicing a female. Properly managing stud fees ensures fair compensation for breeding services, supporting farm income and genetic improvement.


 April Kingsman  November 21, 2023  1 Comment on Spread

spread: to put something such as manure, fertiliser, or mulch on an area of ground. Properly spreading agricultural inputs ensures even distribution and optimal benefits, supporting healthy crop growth and better yields.

Spike Tooth Harrow

 April Kingsman  November 21, 2023  4 Comments on Spike Tooth Harrow

spike tooth harrow: a tractor-trailed implement consisting of a simple frame with tines attached where the frame members cross. Using spike tooth harrows improves soil aeration and preparation, promoting healthy root growth and better crop yields.

Soil Mapping

 April Kingsman  November 5, 2023  4 Comments on Soil Mapping

soil mapping: the process of making maps showing different types of soil in an area. Using soil maps helps farmers manage land resources effectively, promoting sustainable agricultural practices.

Scots Pine

 April Kingsman  November 4, 2023  6 Comments on Scots Pine

Scots pine: A common commercially grown European conifer. Latin name: Pinus sylvestris. Farmers benefit from growing Scots pine for timber and as a sustainable forestry crop.


 April Kingsman  October 31, 2023  3 Comments on Subtropics

subtropics: an area between the tropics and the temperate zone. Properly managing subtropical crops ensures optimal growth and yields, supporting farm productivity and sustainability.