standing: growing upright. Properly managing standing crops ensures healthy growth and optimal yields.
Tractor and Farm Equipment Repair
Schleswig-Holstein system: A system of cereal cultivation practised in North Germany, giving high average yields. The system involves careful management of the crop and includes high seed rates and high amounts of fertiliser. Crops are carefully monitored and visited each day. Disease is controlled by spraying. Farmers benefit from adopting the Schleswig-Holstein system to achieve high yields and efficient crop management.
straw spreader: a device attached to the back of a combine when the straw is not wanted. The straw is spread over the ground and then ploughed in. Using straw spreaders ensures efficient straw management and soil preparation, supporting productive agriculture.
stable fly: a fly which is like the house fly, but with a distinct proboscis which can pierce the skin. It breeds in stable manure and is a serious pest to animals as the bites cause irritation. Managing stable fly populations protects livestock from irritation and disease, supporting overall health and productivity.
shire horse: A tall heavy breed of draught horse. The coat may be of various colours, but there is always a mass of feather at the feet. Farmers benefit from using shire horses for their strength and versatility in farm work.
short rotation coppice: Varieties of willow or poplar which yield a large amount of fuel and are grown as an energy crop. Though there are plenty of bio-feedstocks around, for example short rotation coppice, few can be cost- and carbon-effectively turned into transport fuel. Farmers benefit from growing short rotation coppice for sustainable energy production and soil improvement.
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