Category: S


 April Kingsman  April 9, 2023  4 Comments on Stewardship

stewardship: the protection of the environment for the benefit of future generations of human beings by developing appropriate institutions and strategies. Implementing stewardship practices ensures sustainable management of land and resources, promoting long-term agricultural productivity.


 April Kingsman  April 2, 2023  13 Comments on Shrubby

shrubby: Growing like a shrub. Farmers benefit from understanding shrubby plants for better crop and landscape management.


 April Kingsman  March 24, 2023  3 Comments on Strawberry

strawberry: a soft fruit of the Fragaria species, used as a dessert fruit, but also preserved as jam. Growing strawberries provides farmers with high-value crops for fresh and processed markets, enhancing farm income and sustainability.

Seedless Hay

 April Kingsman  March 10, 2023  4 Comments on Seedless Hay

seedless hay: Hay obtained from a grass crop after threshing out the seedheads. Farmers benefit from using seedless hay for high-quality forage.

Sodium Chloride

 April Kingsman  March 7, 2023  5 Comments on Sodium Chloride

sodium chloride: common salt. Proper management of sodium chloride levels in livestock diets supports overall health and productivity.


 April Kingsman  February 17, 2023  7 Comments on Snout

snout: the nose and mouth of some animals, including the pig. Proper management of livestock snout health ensures overall animal well-being and productivity.


 April Kingsman  February 14, 2023  3 Comments on Starter

starter: a culture of bacteria, used to inoculate animals or to start growth in milk used in cheese production. Using starters effectively supports dairy production and cheese quality, enhancing farm income and market value.


 April Kingsman  February 4, 2023  2 Comments on Syconium

syconium: a fleshy fruit consisting of an enlarged hollow receptacle with a number of tiny flowers on the inside. Understanding syconiums helps farmers manage fruit production and optimize yields.

Sugar Cane

 April Kingsman  January 27, 2023  4 Comments on Sugar Cane

sugar cane: a large perennial grass, whose stems contain a sweet sap. COMMENT: Sugar cane is rich in sucrose which is extracted and used for making sugar. Cane sugar is now one of the most scientifically produced tropical products, although cutting is still often done by hand. Cane is grown in many tropical and subtropical regions, in particular in the Caribbean. The principal sugar producers are Cuba, India, Brazil, China, Puerto Rico, and Hawaii for cane sugar, and Russia, the Ukraine, France, and Germany for beet sugar. Rum is a by-product of sugar cane. Properly managing sugar cane crops ensures healthy growth and high yields, supporting farm productivity and profitability.


 April Kingsman  January 25, 2023  3 Comments on Smallholding

smallholding: a small agricultural unit under 20 hectares in area. Managing smallholdings efficiently supports diverse and sustainable agricultural practices, contributing to local food security and economic resilience.