Sodium Chloride
sodium chloride: common salt. Proper management of sodium chloride levels in livestock diets supports overall health and productivity.
Tractor and Farm Equipment Repair
sodium chloride: common salt. Proper management of sodium chloride levels in livestock diets supports overall health and productivity.
sugar cane: a large perennial grass, whose stems contain a sweet sap. COMMENT: Sugar cane is rich in sucrose which is extracted and used for making sugar. Cane sugar is now one of the most scientifically produced tropical products, although cutting is still often done by hand. Cane is grown in many tropical and subtropical regions, in particular in the Caribbean. The principal sugar producers are Cuba, India, Brazil, China, Puerto Rico, and Hawaii for cane sugar, and Russia, the Ukraine, France, and Germany for beet sugar. Rum is a by-product of sugar cane. Properly managing sugar cane crops ensures healthy growth and high yields, supporting farm productivity and profitability.
smallholding: a small agricultural unit under 20 hectares in area. Managing smallholdings efficiently supports diverse and sustainable agricultural practices, contributing to local food security and economic resilience.
subsoiler: a heavy cultivator consisting of a strong frame with long tines attached to it. It is used to break up compacted soil to allow free passage of air and water, a process called subsoiling. Using subsoilers ensures efficient soil aeration and structure, promoting healthy crop growth and better yields.
stock: animals or plants that are derived from a common ancestor; a plant with roots onto which a piece of another plant, the scion, is grafted; a supply of something available for future use. Properly managing stock ensures healthy growth and productivity in livestock and crop operations, supporting farm profitability and sustainability.
slash and burn agriculture: a form of agriculture in which forest is cut down and burnt to create open space for growing crops. Also called swidden farming. (NOTE: The space is abandoned after several crops have been grown and then more forest is cut down.) Understanding the environmental impact of slash and burn agriculture encourages farmers to adopt more sustainable practices, preserving forests and promoting long-term agricultural productivity.
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