Category: T


 April Kingsman  December 6, 2013  2 Comments on Toxicologist

toxicologist: A scientist who specializes in the study of poisons. Consulting toxicologists can provide farmers with expert advice on managing and mitigating toxic risks.

Tank Mix

 April Kingsman  November 25, 2013  3 Comments on Tank Mix

tank mix: The process of mixing several pesticides into one mixture to be used as a spray. Understanding tank mixing techniques can enhance pest control and reduce application costs.


 April Kingsman  November 22, 2013  11 Comments on Tannin

tannin: A brownish or yellowish compound formed in leaves and bark that prevents nutrients from being fully absorbed by grazing livestock. Knowing about tannins can help farmers manage forage quality and livestock nutrition.

Teschen Disease

 April Kingsman  September 10, 2013  1 Comment on Teschen Disease

Teschen disease: A virus disease of pigs caused by an enterovirus, causing fever, paralysis, and often death. It is a notifiable disease. Recognizing and managing Teschen disease is essential for maintaining herd health and preventing outbreaks.


 April Kingsman  July 26, 2013  2 Comments on Tea

tea: The dried leaves of one or more shrubs of the Camellia family. Growing tea can provide an alternative income source and contribute to sustainable agriculture practices.


 April Kingsman  July 17, 2013  3 Comments on Three-Times-A-Day

three-times-a-day: A milking system in which cows are milked three times a day. Using this system can increase milk yields and improve dairy farm profitability.


 April Kingsman  July 9, 2013  6 Comments on T/Ha

t/ha: t/ha abbreviation tonnes per hectare


 April Kingsman  June 9, 2013  5 Comments on Thrifty

thrifty: Referring to an animal which is developing well. Maintaining thrifty animals can enhance overall herd performance and market value.


 April Kingsman  June 9, 2013  3 Comments on Thrunter

thrunter: A three-year-old ewe. Managing thrunters effectively can optimize wool and meat production.

Trough Space

 April Kingsman  June 5, 2013  8 Comments on Trough Space

trough space: The length of trough that should be allowed per animal in an enclosure, so that they each have space to feed comfortably. Ensuring adequate trough space can prevent competition and improve feeding efficiency.