Category: T


 April Kingsman  December 27, 2023  1 Comment on Tripoding

tripoding: The process of drying hay on a wooden frame in the field. It is rarely practised in the UK, but still common in some parts of Europe. Tripoding is also used as a means of drying out peas. Using tripoding techniques can preserve hay quality and improve drying efficiency.

Toxic Substance

 April Kingsman  December 22, 2023  1 Comment on Toxic Substance

toxic substance: A substance that is poisonous or harmful to humans, animals, or the environment. Proper handling and disposal of toxic substances can prevent contamination and ensure farm safety.


 April Kingsman  November 26, 2023  8 Comments on Thornless

thornless: Referring to a plant without thorns. Developing thornless varieties can improve safety and ease of handling for farmers.


 April Kingsman  October 21, 2023  3 Comments on Tallow

tallow: A cattle by-product produced by rendering down all the inedible waste, used in the manufacture of soap and formerly incorporated into animal feeds. Utilizing tallow can add value to livestock processing and create additional revenue streams.


 April Kingsman  September 21, 2023  3 Comments on Thrush

thrush: A disease affecting the frog of a horse’s hoof. Recognizing and treating thrush can prevent lameness and improve horse health.


 April Kingsman  June 19, 2023  3 Comments on Tocopherol

tocopherol: One of a group of fat-soluble chemicals that make up vitamin E. It is particularly abundant in vegetable oils and leafy green vegetables. Ensuring adequate tocopherol in livestock diets can improve reproductive health and prevent deficiencies.


 April Kingsman  June 8, 2023  9 Comments on Title

title: The right to hold goods or property. A document proving a right to hold property. Maintaining clear title deeds is essential for legal security and managing farm property.


 April Kingsman  June 4, 2023  7 Comments on Thuya

Thuya: The Latin name for cedar. Thuya species can be valuable for timber production and landscape use.


 April Kingsman  June 2, 2023  3 Comments on Tender

tender: Soft or susceptible to damage. Referring to a plant which cannot tolerate frost. Understanding plant tenderness helps farmers in selecting appropriate crops and managing growing conditions.


 April Kingsman  May 21, 2023  9 Comments on Turnip

turnip: A brassica plant that has a swollen root, is an important forage crop, and is also used as a vegetable. Turnips can be harvested by machine and stored outdoors in clamps. In milder areas, they can be left growing in the fields and used when needed. Turnips are often grazed off in the field. Growing turnips can provide nutritious forage and food for livestock, improving farm productivity.