vermifuge: A substance used to get rid of parasitic worms in the intestines of livestock. Regular use of vermifuges can prevent worm infestations, maintaining livestock health and productivity.
Tractor and Farm Equipment Repair
vining peas: Peas used for canning or freezing. Growing vining peas can provide a steady income stream from the processed food market.
vermiculture: The cultivation of worms for composting and soil enhancement. Vermiculture enhances soil health and fertility through organic waste recycling.
Veterinary Surveillance Strategy: A 10-year initiative by Defra to monitor animal diseases in farms, so that the information can be used to plan future health and welfare practices. The VSS helps in early disease detection and effective management, protecting livestock health.
ventilation: The process of air passing in and out of a place freely. Ensuring adequate ventilation can improve animal comfort and health, enhancing productivity.
veterinary science: The scientific study of diseases of animals and their treatment. Veterinary science is essential for developing effective disease management practices and improving animal health.
veal crate system: An intensive method of veal production, where calves are kept in crates. Understanding and managing veal production systems can improve animal welfare and product quality.
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